Heartless - Chapter 11

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(I'll summarize what exactly happened in the beginning of the next chapter for those who are skipping this)
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Unbridled in such intense, frustrated emotion, you scurried up the last staircase; retracing the footsteps of those who've wandered down here before. You've finally and immediately stopped in front of the elevator shaft, with hope embedded in your soaked, furrowed eyes. Alice couldn't have climbed up if one of her arms was holding him meaning she obviously had to go down. You glowered down into the shaft; glancing down at the vague light of the final level. No matter how paranoid you were upon falling, you didn't want to lose Bendy. You lifted your hood up on your head and pulled on the strings and tied them into a bow, tightening it on your head to help you blend in with the inky environment from any lurking predators thriving below. On the other hand, the black ink smeared on your face from the tripping incident from earlier might serve as useful too. You took a deep, final breath of the crisp, cool air; exhaling a long flowing, warm puff of stress that faded and merged into the frigid air. You blinked as an attempt to clear away the blurry moisture off your dampened eyes and then hopped right onto the cable, hugging onto it tightly with all of your strength and sliding down it as safely but as quickly as you could. The only thing you could hear was nothing but the chilly ambience of the updraft blustering past your ears and filling into your hood, the coolness blowing against your dewy, tear-stained optics which made you squint followed by a course shiver of both apprehension and chilliness trickle against you, triggering goosebumps to scatter and rise all over your skin underneath your clothes. The only thing you could think of was Bendy; terror stricken from whatever happened to him in that conflicting abduction. You tried to wonder on how exactly you'll take out that damn angel. If she was able to wrangle up this many cartoons, strap them down without error and then cut them open then you were in for a real difficult, life-threatening showdown. How was one supposed to plan out her defeat if you haven't gotten a single good, close look at her or even get to observe and study her tactics? You don't even have your axe anymore so how were you supposed to attack? A wooden plank may work but you might receive a prickling splinter on your end too. You weren't quite exactly good when it comes to self defence either.

As you made your way closer towards the bottom, you could see the debris left over from the wrecked elevator. You immediately knew it was gonna be a rather rough landing judging how there was what appears to be a broken, cage gate waiting for you on top of the mound of destruction that looked very unstable and easy to fall off of. Your eyes gouged out of their sockets, screaming into the embrace of the disaster. You were forced to let go of the cables, plummeting off and tumbling into what was leftover; scrapping your arms and legs against sharp edges. You continued falling into the destroyed structures until finally falling onto the old, dusty floor on your frontside in such pain, your hoarse moan echoed in agony as you plopped right onto the ground. You scrunched your eyes in such unbearable pain. The most of the pain however was mostly in your right shin. You just lied there for a brief five minutes. Eventually you slowly opened your eyes and there what you could see right in front of you was the lost axe that slipped out of your sweater from earlier; laying rewardingly on some of the small bits and pieces of the elevator. You were actually surprised it was still intact despite the long drop. You weakly reached out a shaky, hesitant hand to grab hold of the weapon, immediately grasping it in a tight fist by the handle and slowly but earnestly dragging it back towards you; gritting your teeth, inhaling the cool air against your exposed ivories as you tried to endure the searing pain. Tears dribbled against the sides of your face and landed on the dusty ground, creating small, little mud blots. You resiliently but slowly got up onto the balls of your knees and sat on the side of your haunch, examining yourself. Once again you should consider yourself blessed for wearing your sweater that cushioned some of your landing with only getting some tears in the process and you were glad you put your hood back on so your chances of cracking your skull like an egg were lower; reminiscent from when Bendy slept with you and the hammock broke beneath you two. However, when you looked at your leg, right on your shin was a big, severe, stinging gash ripping through your leggings with your own crimson blood streaming out of it mixed with the dirt on the floor. You hit off of it pretty good with all the bundles of nerves down in there. Even though you did have some medical supplies in your bag, you didn't have time to staunch up your wound, disinfect it and wrap it up. Bendy was a bigger priority and in grave danger, you've already wasted a few minutes trying to withstand the pain. Even if you were that concerned with it, you probably would've showed up late. You were very grateful that you didn't let go of the wire as you were going down or else you would definitely be reunited with Bendy at the cost of your own life. You fully got up, trying to straighten your posture and ignoring the tempting instinct to hunch over from the twinges; trying to endure the stabbing pain surging through your tender skin. You tried finding your foothold as you manoeuvred yourself through the rubble, escaping it.

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