Daredevil - Chapter 6

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Now trapped, trembling in a muted and never-felt fear, you couldn't do anything. It's like he paralyzed you with literally nothing but his physical, overwhelming presence. You weren't sure if you should try to squirm as an attempt to escape or not, maybe he'd slice your head off clean with his axe nearing your throat. You were absolutely petrified.

"B-Be..." You weakly tried to call out the demon to save you but the monster silenced you with an eerie lull.

"Shh, my little sheep." His voice suddenly became relaxed yet it was still creepy to hear. "Why such a young, pure, beautiful thing could ever wander in such a dreadful place. I couldn't let you go to waste, ever."

You tried to move even more but your body still wouldn't budge. You gasped a bit, speechless and not knowing what to do. Suddenly, you felt him move onto an angle and the next thing you know, he was in your face. "I've seen you outside of the studio yesterday and you hold such a wonderful elegance, I wouldn't know what to do if you have ever fell into my hands."

Whelp, now you know where that creepy presence was coming from; he was watching you from the other day but from where and what the hell does he mean by 'wonderful elegance'? You didn't even have time to neaten yourself up? This guy was whacked. When his face approached to yours at first, you thought he was the suspicious Bendy clone that Bendy was rambling on about but it was actually just a mask on his face that was probably from a disembodied Bendy cutout like you've seen around here before it was warped with ink. How could he even see with that thing on his face? It doesn't even have any eyeholes to look through out of. The only part of him that was actually visible on his face, yet vague to see from your angle and with the poor lighting conditions in the room was his mouth that was peering out through the mask's missing teeth.

"But, I guess my wish has come true! You've looked like you had something on your mind about the studio... but I could be wrong~" His voice chimed in affection. He wanted you but does he really know your intentions on this place or does he know you have the perfect Bendy? It was hard to tell at this point. "How rude of me to forget. My name is Sammy, Sammy Lawrence; the ink demon's faithful prophet." he finally introduced himself. Strange how he didn't address himself as the former music director. A prophet for a fictional character? What has gotten into him? The ink has certainly contaminated his mind more than his appearance; hopefully the ink won't get to your head either.

At the meantime, Bendy didn't know what to do; he was strung out and left timorous. What could he possibly do to save you in this tight situation? One of his eyes were visible, shivering and glued onto you between the dark crevices of the barrels he was peaking through. They were glowing a light grey, just like in cartoons when the lights would be turned off and all you could see was the character's eyes as a little running gag. You could see them barely as you struggled to keep your eyes open but Sammy didn't pay attention to his surroundings. All he wanted was you and only you right now.

"I'll give you a choice. Either I can spare your life and become my inky queen and together we can share our love and respect to the figure of ink and defeat the angel." He then proceeded to stroke your hair with an ink-covered hand and in return, you shivered more and whimper just from the soft touch and then he nuzzled his chin under his mask against your shoulder. The only thing your body could do was tremble into a harsh vibration. Suddenly he swiftly yanked you even closer and you felt his wet, inky skin soak more through your sweater as he tilted your head upwards and held the axe closer to your throat to the point where the blade was actually touching against your skin. "Or... You can be another sacrifice for my dear lord Bendy!" He teased, trying to make your decisions even more difficult to make by lightly prodding the axe against your neck; painlessly but more uneasy. Your eyes slowly fluttered as you could hardly keep them open anymore, you looked down at the barrels again where Bendy was hiding, wishing he could do something to save you as your mental state tried to stall out more time by using your apprehension for it's speechlessness as it's only advantage.

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