Not a Hope in Hell - Chapter 16

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It was all hopeless in the end.

...Or as it seemed so, for both Bendys' anyway.

As you've all fell down, just in time you've managed to grapple dearly against the edge while the others where pulled down by the gravitational forces and plummeted back into the dark bowels of the studio, into the once-flooded basement.

"BENDY!!!!" You wailed out as you hung over the side for your own sake of life with the longing exit just teasingly standing right there before and above you while both of the demons were sucked into the deadly, abyssal obscurity. You've refused to look over your shoulder at the overbearing, lethal darkness lying under you. Otherwise the dreadful view would've made your fingers uncurl and you would've followed after.

You heard them both drop with a heavy, painful splat from below as they landed. You could not hear the screams, the bitching or cynical remarks from your beloved Bendy but there were hoarse, paining hisses and growls echoing from the twisted version of him, followed by his strange, abounding ink magic still but they were barely teeming out from the shadows now; Inky's too far away for his mysterious energy to cause a proper 'weather effect' of ink now. Of course Inky's alive but there's no way that Bendy can be 'dead' again, no way at all! He's clever enough and would usually be able to pull through situations like this. He is Bendy, almost like actual Bendy he is, the closest to the real Bendy! Outside his cartoons or not, he should still be able to get the better end out of this.

Your arms' joints began to tire and ache from holding you over the edge stiffly, your survival was about to come to a nix. You clenched your teeth together and tried scuttling your legs off against the wall below, scraping off some of the soaked slivers and debris that rained down below, flustering the trapped monster beneath as they practically snowed all over him. You've never in your life thought you'd ever find yourself dangling off a cliff other than in a couple of mere dreams. You were actually stuck in between the median of life and death with this crazy misadventure. It was intense. You could sort of imagine him 'eyeballing' up at you and waiting impatiently for you to make the wrong move and finally slip and fall to your ending. The wall was all slathered with wet ink still which made it too slippery to even get a single, good foothold. It was almost impossible to get up but you weren't planning to give up on giving up right there. You needed to think and fast!

You've managed to muster some of your remaining strength and tried swinging and flinging your lower half of your body up to the side to try and hook your unharmed leg over the ledge. It was awkward and overall very nerve-racking but it was really the only thing you can do now when it comes to options. It was arduous and difficult to endure the strain. You almost slipped as you nearly lost your grip, clawing at the edge to hold you up; creating light scratch marks against the deteriorated floor that was barely even visible as it was shrouded in the same old dry ink. Inky chuckled evilly from down below. You were right, he was watching you but you've still managed to clamber right back up anyway. Luckily but toilsomely, you've managed to climb up and then roughly sit up on the side against the door and let your legs dangle out. Your lungs swelled with air heavily in relief as your heart crazily pulsed in your chest from that cliffhanging minute. You would've given Inky the finger to rub in your succession of escaping from him but after losing Bendy randomly and just like that, you couldn't. It's probably the best you don't taunt him or else he may think of a way to surprise you and catch you finally. You tremulously exhaled heavily and hung your head. Your red-tinted eyes were sorrowfully fixated at the deadly pitfall below.

"Y-You knew that was gonna happen... d-didn't you...?" You mewled out quietly as if you were actually talking to him. You gripped your head with both of your hands, your pinkies massaging your soddened temples as you took in some deep, snivelling breaths. Clear tears formed in the corners of your eyes and competed with one another by slightly winding down your cheeks, collecting some of the ink that ebonized your entire face as they did and trickled off into the abyss. Inky suddenly started screeching out loudly, like he was in some sort of pain. It made you startle and quickly lurch back from the random, deafening sound coming from him.

Drawn Together (Bendy x Female Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now