Bendy's Thoughts #1

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"I wanna go to bed but I am just too eager to see the world. I am so used to the black and white atmosphere; with forks and spoons dancin', singin' trees and all that mumbo jumbo. Seeing colours is so new to me! I just want to see more but I just don't have any patience nor do I have the ability and power to do so at the moment." His tail swayed gently behind him, with a light, closed smile spread out on his face as starred away in the window; looking at the now dark purple sky with a full, radiant moon.

"What would the ocean look like in this universe? What would a volcano look like? What would a cat look like? I can't wait any longer!" Then he thought about merging his complete life with you, becoming a family member but then he thought of his life in his old world dawned upon him.

"Come to think of it, what about my past? I don't even have a proper family either? Sure, I was a demon who fell into good hands in my world and was raised to be good and became a dancing asshat I am known to be but was I really just born out of someone's mind though? Does that make me, Boris, Alice, the butcher gang and everyone else technically siblings? Even if it was someone else's idea, does that technically make us as cousins?"

Then he began to overthink. His negativity beginning to pull him deep into his mind. "Alice Angel is supposed to be my love interest. I loved her a lot and her singing was total temptation but now thinking about that, I feel disgusting, terrible and creepy! This is all wrong! This isn't right at all! Also not to mention, after seeing that crazy cunt back at the studio, tryna be a psychopathic clone of Alice, going after duplicates of my friends. It's completely barbaric! Everythin' gettin' outta hand!" He clutched his hand into a fist and cringed with pure disappointment and disgust. His feelings were mixed with both his thoughts, expectations and negativity.
Things were now starting to take a turn in his mind for that moment...

Bendy sighed and rest down against the windowsill. His tail stopped waving behind him and curled up by his knees and just started thinking about his existence and the truth.
"My life's just a lie. I'm basically just a figment of someone's imagination that apparently came to life in this realm. Joey Drew is my creator, huh? I wonder what happened to that guy? Same goes with that Henry dude I've been readin' from those old notes in that Joey-guy's office. It was odd seeing every single note with the word belief on it. Same with some of the walls blotched with ink in the studio. It even made me more uncomfortable, just as unpleasant as those cutouts of me lying against the walls everywhere, stalkin' me," a leaf outside of the window caught his attention as it was struggling to move as the wind tried to blow it away.

"I mean, how did I even get here anyway? Not too long ago from this day, I literally just woke up in front of that other strange ink machine that was located deeper in the bowels of the studio. All I can remember was going to bed in my house and just had a twisted dream with this weird man," he tried to scrutinize with everything that was happening. He tapped his fingers against the windowsill.

"The next thing I know, I was in the studio, on the ground. I get up and started checkin' the place out and all of the sudden, I get chased around by monsters and since then, I was defending and hiding myself until I got that idea with writin' that letter..."

Just the thought of that unique idea he had with the letter, you came into mind. He rested his eyes and thought about yesterday, when you first met him.

"Y/N... She may not be able to tolerate with my shit but she better get used to it! She seemed interesting when I first saw her back at the studio. I knew I had to trust her from the start because it was my only shot of getting myself out of that unbearable place but even in general, something about her made
me feel more safe than I thought I would've been. I feel more open to being myself when I'm around her. I would tell her more about the studio but I feel like I need to bond with her more and get a closer friendship in order to tell her my feelings, opinions and the dreaded truth about that damned studio," his expression softened, his tail then swished to the other side of him.

"I'll just give it some time, yeah! Just time and patience is the key, heh! I can't wait for the mornin' though! Everything will be under the sun's light and then I can see everything outside better!" He lightly chuckled with a light grin. The thought of you cheered him up and his ideals for his future reunited back to him, returning his encouragement and his outgoing, happy spirit back into him. He then sat up and took one last glimpse of the sky. "I wonder what my future will be like though? Hopefully it won't be utter shit. I just gotta give it some time!"

He then stood up and stretched. He took a final glimpse of the sky; still amazed and admiring it's natural beauty and then he gently closed the curtains shut and turned around to walkover to his couch. He bent down to pick up his cup of water and took a few last sips. After that, he returned to his 'bed'.

He took off his boots which revealed his two-toed demon feet, similar to a hoofed animal and his gloves which revealed to be nothing special but just four-fingered black hands. He kept his bowtie on however and then he gently placed his belongings on floor; right next to his couch. He then leapt onto the sofa and tucked himself in, all comfortable and snugged up under the covers.

Sadly, this was his first comfortable slumber outside of the studio and hopefully it won't ever be his last.

Authors Note: Hey! I know I posted this the same night as the previous chapter but I felt like adding a little bonus to the story

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Authors Note: Hey! I know I posted this the same night as the previous chapter but I felt like adding a little bonus to the story. I feel like it would be a nice spice to add into the story and maybe get you guys to get an idea on what was going on in our little devil's head while you were asleep and a little background to my version of Bendy. I hope this stirs up some thoughts in your mind! Stay tuned fam for next Monday and don't forget to vote! :3

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