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In which she plays kickball and gets kicked.


"Spill the tea."

Mirae raised her eyebrow as she left her bag on the back of her chair, her gaze then shifting to the boy next to her. "Excuse me?"

"I know Jisung went to your house yesterday," Felix said. He had an enthusiastic look on his face, which was freaking her out. "I want to know—"

"No," she cut him off. "One, it's none of your business. And two, how the hell do you know he was at my house? Are you a stalker or something?"

He smiled and shook his head, "I'm not a stalker, I asked him where he had been since he turned down the invitation to test Seungmin's new console. But he didn't say anything else and I'm curious."


Felix stared at her and blinked confusedly before gasping out. "Never mind! Forget I said anything."


Mirae frowned at him, not understanding his behavior. But the foreign boy didn't give her time to question his strange attitude as he quickly got out of his desk and ran to the back of the class, probably meeting one of the four best friends he had on the classroom. Mirae followed him with her eyes and jumped a bit when she accidentally met eyes with Jisung.

She turned back and kept her gaze down, her hair falling onto her sides like a big curtain. With a sigh, she pushed her hair back and fixed the slightly fallen glasses on her nose. She had forgotten once again to ask her mom to tie her hair up, and her sister had overslept that morning, so she had to make it through another day with her hair loose.

It wasn't that she disliked her hair, in fact she liked its shape and length; but what drove her crazy was the fact that, since she had a lot of hair, it always waved out in any direction, most likely her face. That's why she always wore a ponytail, to keep her hair out of her sight range. But now that her hand was injured, she was unable to tie it up without wincing in pain.

Her father told her he had arranged an appointment with the doctor earlier at breakfast, saying that the injury on her hand shouldn't be taken too easily based on the previous injury of her ligament.

"If the doctor says you can't go to that field trip of your school," her father had told her, "then we won't have much choice but to listen to him."

Those words had made her feel as if her heart had dropped onto her stomach. She didn't finish her food that morning, and remembering her father's words as the teacher walked inside the classroom made her feel once again sick.

She took her glasses off, crossed her arms on the table and rested her head on them, closing her eyes shut as she felt her stomach slightly growling. Please be quiet stomach, otherwise the whole class will hear you and I'll die of embarrassment.

"By the way!" the teacher exclaimed after saying something about the improvement of the class' behavior. "Did anyone bring the permission of the field trip?"

Mirae nodded against her arms and raised her head, turning back to search for the paper on her agenda. She forced herself onto not making eye contact with anyone but the teacher as she walked up to him to give him the permission.

"Uh, Mirae?" Felix asked when she returned to lay on the desk. "Are you feeling sick?"

She moved her head sideways and raised her eyes up to him, "I'm just dizzy, don't worry."

She didn't wait for a response. Mirae sat up straight, fixed her hair back and put on her glasses, deciding to force her stomach to silence as the first class started. She was not going to miss a class just because that morning's worrisome news made her sick. It wasn't worthy enough.

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