fifty pt. 2

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Be well.


Don't hurt,
Don't be lonely.
Don't be sad
Just because of me.

No matter how much
You miss me,
Don't be sad.
I hope you'll be happy.

I'm sorry.


Unlike her, Jisung's face lit up when she walked through the door.

With clumsiness and a huge smile on his face, his trembling hands grabbed the bouquet of flowers that were once resting on the side of the table he was occupying, and along timid steps he walked up to Mirae, who seemed to be standing frozen by the door.

"Hi," he breathed, his smile only widening. "You look amazing."

Almost whimpering, she forced a smile. "Thank you. You're... you're charming as always."

It was almost painful seeing him look around nervously as he mumbled incoherent words. And then, as his eyes met with the flowers in between his hands, he lifted them up to her with a small, shy smile.

"These are for you. I-uh-I," he cleared his throat, shook his head lightly and finally made eye-contact with her. "I think a princess like you should be showered in flowers, so here are your first."

Oh God.

"Why don't we, um, sit-sit down, hm?"

Her almost freaked out expression didn't go unnoticed, and just as Jisung was about to open his mouth to question it, Mirae almost ran to the table, where she quickly sat down with a racing heart.

She was beyond panicked.

She was not a fan of any emotional situation, especially if it involved someone she was attached to, and even more if that person was going to end up affected by the situation negatively.

But she had to do it. She couldn't chicken out and run-she had to stand with her chin up even if she was about to shit herself, take a deep breath and face the situation as bravely as possible.

"Do you want to eat something first... or talk?"

However, if there was food in the way, she couldn't just say no.

"Food sounds good," she mumbled cutely, trying not to show how close she was to losing her composure. "What do you recommend?"

"I have only eaten hamburgers here, so," he shrugged, letting out an embarrassed chuckle. Even his face seemed to light up for a moment, which fluttered Mirae's heart in between her stress.

"Are they good?"

"Totally. Last time I came with Felix and Jeongin we ordered like three for each one of us. One isn't enough."

Smiling, she nodded her head, "Then burgers it is."

Jisung nodded his head as well with a faint smile and stared at her for another moment before snapping his eyes to the closest waiter to order the food. After they told the man what beverages they wanted, he walked off, leaving them in a silence that seemed to be choking Mirae.

And he noticed too. "Mirae, are you okay?"

Popping her head up, her eyes widened as she mumbled, "Hm?"

"Is something bothering you?"

I don't want to hurt you, she wanted to say. I wish I could do something, but I can't help it. I don't want to leave you, I don't want to hurt you and I don't want to see you in pain because of me.

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