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After school.


Mirae used to think people who hated school were overreacting. There was actually nothing wrong with the school, but with the people inside of it. Yet again, she wasn't the type to blame onto the teachers, since they were doing only the best for every student, and it was their job.

But after trying to write out an essay about the history of Korea in the second part of the 20th century, Mirae was about to stab someone with her pen.

She felt her right hand going numb as she tried to write down the text, but since she had never been good with that hand, the pen constantly slipped out of her hand or the fingers twisted in a weird way, not being used to writing out anything at all. Mirae could hear Felix slightly chuckling from time to time, especially when her pen would roll off onto his side or fall in between their desks, him having to lean down and pick it up while Mirae just cursed at her own existence.

"Why don't you tell the teacher to give you some time to do it in your computer at home?" Felix inquired, pointing with his pen to where the history teacher was sat, observing everyone writing.

She shook her head, her eyes wide, "That woman scares me. I'd rather wait for her to ask me to write it on the computer instead."

"What if she doesn't?"

"I can ask my parents for a letter where they ask the professors to let me do the assignments on the computer," she shrugged and went back to her painful writing session.

A few paragraphs later, she felt a soft tap on her elbow. She looked at Felix with a questioning look and he pointed at his own paper, "Can you check it for me, please? To see if there's any writing mistake?"

She nodded and grabbed the paper, softly smiling at the grammar mistakes he had made from line to line. With her pencil she pointed them out and on the side she tried to write them correctly as neatly as her hand allowed her to, and handed it back. "Hope you understand my ugly handwriting. I'm left handed, so I'm doing the impossible."

He chuckled and nodded, reading his work again. Mirae went back to hers and continued writing until the teacher announced it was time for recess. She gave back her work and she walked to Soyeon's desk, trying to not look at Jisung next to her.

Soyeon smiled at her but it turned into a surprised gasp when she noticed Mirae's hair. "You look so chic, Mirae. I approve."

She rolled her eyes and removed a strain of hair off of her face, "Thanks, but I'd like to keep my usual ponytail. It's incredibly annoying having my hair all over my face."

Nora soon appeared next to her and she whistled at Mirae's look, "Well, mija, you look very nice. But I'm hungry, so let's go!" Mirae just smirked, shaking her head as she looked away.

Soyeon giggled and Nora led the way out. Mirae brushed the back of her hair, wanting to free her neck from the asphyxiating heat and followed them out. However, she felt something fell from her neck. She turned around to look what it was and found Jisung kneeling down and picking it up. She gasped when she realized it was her tie, which she had forgotten to ask her mom to help her tie it up.

"That's mine," she admitted shyly, extending her hand.

"Here," he smiled and returned it, but when she was about to hung it over her neck, he stopped her arm. "Do you need help with the tie?"

She did a small confused sound with her throat and felt the hair on the back of her head crisping out. With her eyes on his tie, since she was too embarrassed to look at his eyes, she nodded. She raised her hair with her hand and held her breath when she felt his hands around her neck for a second before he started doing the tie.

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