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In which she's accepting the truth.


School, as always, had been hard.

But during the week prior to the school trip it became almost unbearable. It felt as if teachers had planned on assigning homework and evaluations, knowing their students would not be able to concentrate due to the upcoming trip on Thursday and Friday the next week. It felt as if they enjoyed watching the students suffer.

Through the whole weekend, Mirae had spent it doing homework and getting some school projects beforehand, somehow knowing the upcoming week was going to be hectic. And it had been one of the greatest decisions she has even made.

Just by Monday, the students on class 2 had three group projects, five exams and the planning on what they would do for the school trip. It no longer felt as a learning environment, but as a battlefield on who was going to breakdown first.

Luckily, Mirae didn't have the time to even consider crying or stressing out due to all of the things she had to do. Besides the home works, group works and evaluations, she also had to stay after school with the rest of her dance class to rehearse for the Artistic Gala, which was going to be right before the summer vacations, in a little over a month. She barely had time to even remind herself to take care of herself.

"Are you sure you're okay?" her sister asked her on Tuesday night after she arrived from the rehearsal, almost at dinner time. "You look like you might pass out."

"I am, don't worry," she smiled tiredly and dropped her things on the couch before flopping down. "But I am starving. But I also have to finish a math homework and study for tomorrow's chemistry exam."

"Well, based on my academic experience, you're going to need a good cup of coffee tomorrow morning. And throughout the whole day too."

"I know. I already found a good coffee shop to stop by tomorrow with Jeongin."

Miyoung let a soft laugh and shook her head, "Take it easy. School isn't everything in life."

"I know."

"It gets worse once you graduate. Enjoy while you can."

Mirae raised her head and gave her sister a blank look, "Enjoy what?! The mental and physical fatigue from all the things those crazy teachers make us do?"

"Yeah. When you grow up, you'll have to worry about paying your university and taxes. And if you still want to be an architect, just know that it won't be cheap."

"I know, that's why I study hard. To get a scholarship."

Miyoung nodded, understanding her words. "Still, enjoy your school time while you can. You'll seriously going to miss it."

"I highly doubt I'll miss all these home works at all."

And, as expected, on Wednesday morning Mirae had to wake up with a large cup of coffee and just a piece of bread since she overslept. She ran to the bus stop, making it just in time to get on the bus and meet with Jeongin, who was surprised at her state.

"Are you sure you're good, noona?" he asked for the nth time as they walked inside the school, his eyes fixated on the large cup of coffee she bought from the coffee shop a few blocks away. "You seriously need to sleep."

"I'm fine, Jeongin!" she smiled, although based on his reaction, her smile didn't have that soothing tone it always had. Mirae fixed her glasses to cover up her eye bags and gave him a playful push, "Don't worry about me. Have fun today!"

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