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In which there's a weird first date.


"I said I was sorry!"

"I know, I heard you the other twenty times."

"Then why are you still angry?"

Mirae looked at him with the fakest smile she could muster, "I'm not! I'm smiling."

"That isn't the smile I like," he said, shaking his head like a kid. "That's the smile of the fakes, not yours."

"According to you, which is the smile you like, huh?"

"The one you do when you're not angry."

"But I'm not angry!"

"Then why aren't you looking at me?"

She didn't need to look at Jisung to know he was pouting with the biggest puppy-eyes he could do. His voice was enough temptation to break the act, but Mirae had to remind herself to stay strong a little bit more. "Because I will fall if I don't watch out where I'm going."

"Then let me help you carrying the food!"

"No, I can do it."

"Why are you being so stubborn?" he laughed, moving to the other side of Mirae.

He had been trying to get her look at him for more than just one second by walking in front of her—which had resulted on him almost falling on top of a hydrant—and moving from her left side to her right side and even back-hugging her, but he had ended up being punched "by accident" on the ribs with Mirae's elbow—but they both knew it had not been an accident.

And through all that time, Mirae had been thinking about what he did on the restaurant right before paying for their food. It had been extremely embarrassing for her since everyone around them had stopped eating to watch their every single movement after what happened, whispering things Mirae was glad she hadn't been able to listen, otherwise she would've been even more embarrassed than how she already was.

"How could you?"

"What?" He asked, frowning.

"You know," she mumbled, looking down at the plastic bag on her hands. "What you did back there."



"Is that why you're angry? I already apologized!"

"I know, but still how could you?"

"It isn't like it was the first time I kissed you or anything though."

Mirae cringed and looked away, crunching her nose. "It was embarrassing."

"Kissing me is embarrassing?"

"No! But I would like not to do it on any public space, especially a restaurant at its fullest capacity when everyone's staring."

"Alright," he nodded with a small smile. "I'll write it down for future situations."

She only glared at him, feeling her cheeks becoming pink, unable to think of a comeback to that. "What makes you think I'm letting you kiss me again?"

With a single movement he planted himself right in front of her, close enough to keep a small space between them and breathe each other's scents with ease. He leaned his face closer to hers and whispered, "Don't you want me to kiss you?"

That certainly caught her off guard.

Bitch what the fuck is this?! This isn't the normal Jisung!

Innocence // STRAY KIDS' Han JisungWhere stories live. Discover now