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In which there's girl talk and another adventure.


Mirae went back to her shared room and threw herself in the bed, still feeling dizzy.

"What's wrong?" Soyeon chuckled at her peculiar entrance.

She rolled upwards and sighed loudly, "I think I'm dying."

"We all are," Nora scoffed. "That's no news."

"Did something happen to you?"

Mirae nodded, a goofy smile appearing on her lips. "One of the best things of this week."

In less than a second, Soyeon and Nora crawled out of their beds and jumped on Mirae's, kneeling on either side of her as they yelled out for story time. Mirae laughed at their enthusiasm and sat up, the three of them forming a small circle.

She told them about what had just happened while she was coming up the stairs with Jisung, completely blushing at the retelling on the kiss he gave her.

However, the girls didn't have the reaction she expected.

"Are you kidding me?! On the cheek?"

"I thought it was something more exciting," Nora whined, her shoulders going down in disappointment. "I kiss my relative's cheeks every time I say hi to them. That's nothing extraordinary!"

"It is to me!" Mirae argued, "I hang out with boys sometimes, yeah, but none of them had made me feel the way Jisung makes me feel."

"How?" Soyeon cocked her eyebrow almost sarcastically. "Special? Unique? The prettiest girl in the world?"

She shook her head, "No, nothing like that. He just... I don't know how to explain it! He just makes me feel different things at the same time. Like one moment I'd feel like I'm with a three year-old but then he does something that just makes my heart go 'bitch what the hell!' and then he goes back to being his loud, extra self. But then he just behaves so nice and worries about me—I don't know! He's killing me!"

Mirae fell backwards, flustered at not having enough words to explain what was inside her mind. "I don't know... he just... I don't know!"

"Hey, one question," Nora spoke softly, touching Mirae's arm. "Do you like him?"

She did a sound at the back of her throat that sounded like a small cry and slowly nodded yes. "I think I do. But what can I do?"

Soyeon's head and Nora's head turned to each other almost at the same time, which confused Mirae. The girls had this huge smiled on their faces, but what scared Mirae the most was when the duo started screeching and squealing. They got up and held each other's hands, jumping around Mirae's body as they chanted incoherent words.

"Why are you so happy?!"

A set of squealing was the answer.

"Stop jumping!" Mirae yelled back, trying to grab their hands to pull them down. "The bed's going to break!"

"Are you saying we're fat?!" Soyeon snapped, stopping her jumping in a second.

"No, I'm saying that this bed isn't for two girls two jump around a third one like a ritual."

Soyeon eyed Mirae up and down before flopping down, "I wish I could say something about you, but you're fit."

"I'm not fit," she scoffed.

Nora then held one of Mirae's leg up and pointed at her calves, "Then explain these muscles."

"That's the result of running every morning on vacations because my dogs steal my stuff. And not just around my house, but around the freaking neighborhood."

Innocence // STRAY KIDS' Han JisungWhere stories live. Discover now