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In which there are reunions.


"So you kissed him?"




"And then what happened?"

She looked down to her smoothie in embarrassment, "We got out running. But on the way out I bumped into a wall and almost threw the door away. And, of course, Jisung almost died from laughing."

"You're so clumsy," her friend laughed. "And then what happened?"

"Nothing," she shrugged and took a sip. "We said our goodbyes as awkwardly as you can imagine and that was it. We have spoken through messages, but that's it. No physical interaction since Friday."

Her friend laughed, the dimples on the side of his mouth showing immediately, "I still can't believe you two are dating."

"We're not."

"Alright, fine," he rolled his eyes dramatically. "Whatever's going on between you two, I still can't believe it."

"Why?" Mirae asked as she ate her chocolate chip cookie.

"I've known him for almost three years now, and I met you like around that time too... and I just can't believe you two are dating now!"

"We're not-"

"Fine, whatever you're doing." He rolled his eyes again, making her giggle. "It's just too much of a coincidence, don't you think?"

"Sure," she shrugged unamused. "I mean, he's in my classroom so there was no way that I wouldn't know his existence."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean that just by knowing him you'd develop feelings for him right away."

She pressed her lips tightly and looked at him with uneasiness, "Well... at first I didn't know much about him."

"Of course, at first everyone's just a stranger. But you and Jisung aren't the same thing as you and, let's say, Seungmin," her friend explained, doing a funny face as he shrugged his shoulders. "That's what amazes me, the fact that you fell for the weirdest one of them."

"Have you met Felix though?"

He laughed, "Yeah, you're right."

She smiled at him before taking a sip from the smoothie, "By the way, thanks for the invitation. I was this close to rip my head off from the stress this Chemistry homework was giving me."

Bang Chan smiled warmly at her, "Don't worry. It has been really long time since the last time we hung out."

"Yeah. Was it the day we went bowling, right?"

He nodded eagerly as he bit down his Hershey's flavored cookie, "Yeah, like a century ago."

"Don't overreact, it was like a bit more than a month ago."

"Same thing to me."

With a chuckle, Mirae leant over and playfully punched his arm, which resulted into Chan overreacting as if he'd been severely hurt. "Ah! My arm!"

That was basically how these two worked whenever they met up: they would talk for a while until one of them would make a stupid or lame joke so the other would mock them, resulting in one playfully pushing and the other overreacting it all. They were like siblings, including the fighting and everything-whenever they did, the best thing to do was running out of there. Both Chan and Mirae were stubborn enough to extend the discussion until someone would give in and apologize; otherwise they could fight until late night like that one time when they fought over who had eaten the last cupcake on Mirae's fridge (it had been her sister, but neither of them found out until Miyoung stopped them and admitted her crime with a laugh).

Innocence // STRAY KIDS' Han JisungWhere stories live. Discover now