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In which there's sister time and presentations.


Saturday, one of the very few days where she could wake up late with no worries in the world. And she had been almost crushed by her dog.

Mirae had hoped to have a good night sleep after the end of the long week full of school work and shame after being titled as 'dancing queen' by her Australian seatmate—at least he got the decency to call her like that only when they were in class so no one would hear Felix—but she had been proven otherwise.

The previous night she had been up all night watching a marathon on Netflix with her sister of their favorite drama 'Goblin', and only had stopped when they noticed it was almost four in the morning. Since it was Saturday, she had hoped to sleep until probably midday, recovering not only from the lack of sleep from the marathon, but also from the whole school week's, but no—Peter just had to lay on top of her that morning.

The Golden barked slightly when she made a choking sound as she rolled over, and he went down her bed. Mirae sat up and ruffled her already messy bed-hair and yawned as she bent over to grab her phone.

Reminder: presentation at five pm of SOOBIN, CHAN, WOOJIN...

"Oh, crap," she groaned and laid back on her back. "Hold on, what time is it?" she mumbled and raised her phone, letting out a cry of disappointment.

Well, at least she had accomplished her goal of sleeping until midday.

Being almost one in the afternoon, Mirae had about three and a half hours to have lunch/breakfast, get showered choose what she would wear and a half an hour to arrive, just in case there was a lot of traffic or if she got lost.

"What if I don't go?" she chuckled sadly and looked at her dog. "Would that be bad, Peter?"

But, of course, the Golden just stared and his nostrils moved a single bit. She would have been completely freaked out if her dog had blurted out a response to her.

Finally, after some minutes of more mopping around and wondering if it was really worth it getting out of bed, Mirae got out of her room and slowly walked down the stairs, feeling her body heavily as if she had run a five-kilometers marathon.

Her parents worked on Saturdays as well, so she was all alone with Miyoung, unless she had gotten out to do whatever she does when she's not at home and not on the university. Mirae looked what was inside some pots on the stove and smiled widely at the sight of spicy noodles and rice balls on the two pots. Quickly, she grabbed a bowl and poured in her portion and took a smaller plate to put in two rice cakes. She poured herself a glass of water and sat on the table, happily scrolling down her Instagram timeline as she ate the noodles.

Half way the second rice cake and the noodles all gone, Miyoung appeared through the door with the most half asleep face Mirae had ever seen in her sister.

"You just woke up?" Mirae asked with an airy chuckle.

Her sister nodded slowly and poured herself her portion of food in similar plates as Mirae's. "I need at least ten hours of sleep on a daily basis, but when I stay up all night I need at least twenty."

Miyoung plopped down in the seat in front and started slurping in her noodles, which slightly made Mirae's nerves go tight. She knew a huge amount of the city's population slurped while eating noodles, but it still made her unbelievably uncomfortable—she was more of a silent eater.

"So," Miyoung spoke after she had finished her noodles, Mirae slightly feeling thankful, "what are your plans for today? Should we finish 'Goblin'?"

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