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In which she has thoughts and dogs.


Mirae closed her hand into a fist as she felt the fourth soft tapping on her forearm. She looked up at her seatmate and tried to control her irritation at the sight of his confused face.

"What does this mean?" he frowned, pointing at the seventh question of the Biology worksheet every student was individually working on.

Mirae grabbed the paper where she had been writing the things Felix hadn't understood and turned it over to him, quickly going back to her unfinished answer. She heard his softly thank her, which helped her to calm down and remind herself to not be harsh on him. She couldn't stop comparing him with Nora, who barely asked Mirae any translations but more of asking to check her grammar. But Nora had been living in Korea for almost six years now, while Felix had just arrived almost two years ago. Obviously there was going to be a wide gap between the two class' foreigner's Korean abilities.

She looked back at the paper with the unknown word for Felix and Mirae had to cover her smile when she noticed there was written over fifteen words with arrows next to them with the English translation. She just hoped her translation was well-written.

"Okay, everyone," the biology teacher said after a while, standing up. "Hand over the worksheets, we'll finish next class."

"Yes," the students replied and one by one went to the teacher, handing their work. Mirae made sure to remind the teacher she couldn't write with her strong hand, hence the horrible handwriting.

"For how long do you have to wear it?" the woman asked, fixing the papers against the table.

"A few more days, teacher."

"Stop by my desk when you can write so you can write this back again," the teacher smiled shortly and saved the papers on a folder. "Have a good day, Mirae. Hope you can recover quickly."

"Thank you, teacher," Mirae slightly bowed and went back to her seat to save her things. She held the paper with the word and tapped Felix's arm. "Do you want to keep this? So you can remember the words and their meanings."

The taller boy smiled and nodded, taking the paper inside his biology notebook, "Thanks. And sorry if I uh, what was the word," he frowned and looked around as if the word was somewhere on the floor. Mirae chuckled at his cute action and he suddenly made a sound with his tongue. "Interrupted! I'm sorry if I interrupted you a lot. I'm trying to get better, but biology isn't my favorite subject."

"Don't worry," she chuckled as she closed her bag pack. She hung it over her shoulder and fixed her ponytail before waving him goodbye. "See you tomorrow, Felix."

"Thanks again," he grinned and went off, probably to meet with his friends.

Mirae walked to her friends and raised her eyebrows in surprise when she found Soyeon pointing at Jisung, her hand over her mouth and her eyes wide opened. Meanwhile Jisung looked as if he had been kicked in between his legs, a hand covering his eyes as he kept shaking his head.

"I can't believe it," Soyeon blurted and turned to Mirae, still shook. "Can you believe it?"

"Believe what?" Mirae asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

Jisung groaned and dropped his hands dramatically, "There goes my dignity."

"Oh, come on liking someone does not mean you're going to lose your dignity," Soyeon chuckled and gave him a friendly pat on his back as he hung his bag back. "Don't worry, I'll help you out."

Innocence // STRAY KIDS' Han JisungWhere stories live. Discover now