forty nine

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In which there are some news.


Don't know why (Don't know why)
Tell me why (Tell me why)
Why does love end?
Why are things
that will disappear
So beautiful?
It's just a daydream,
love is like a daydream

Darkness, why are you
erasing everything black?
I can't see anything,
about the eternal future by myself,
making me dream however I want

The sun has set (more and more)
and grew black (no)
The waves will crash someday
Why does everything good always become like this?


Waking up the next morning had not been easy, not only due to the muscle pain from all the dancing and rushing from the night before, but because she didn't want to see any more sunrises. Sunrises meant a new day, and a new day meant a day closer to the day she would be leaving everything. Not only her country, but also her life as she knew it, her school friends and everything familiar to her.

Of course she could still contact them through the phone, but it would be difficult since there would be a fifteen-hour difference. She'd be just waking up when they'd be going to bed—or in bed already. It would be incredibly hard to maintain a long-distance relationship with anyone, not just a romantic one.

Mirae had to hear her sister's heartbreaking cry as she told the news to her boyfriend Nate, and she had to see the guy's bereaved eyes when she opened the door out for him because he had the heart to go to their house at almost midnight just to see his girlfriend.

She didn't want to even imagine how hard it must have been for her sister, and she was afraid to know what would Jisung's response to the news would be. Mirae wished to avoid the moment, but she knew she had to tell him before the final day, next Wednesday.

Less than five days to tell him—to tell everyone. Less than five days to pack up her whole life in boxes. Less than five days to be in American land.

Mirae could only sigh when thinking about it.


Felix yawned lazily as he brushed his messy hair off his face, putting out his hand to grab a bowl and the box of cereal. As he moved towards the fridge for the milk, he winced feeling his muscles on fire. He was tired, and since he forgot to stretch after the Gala ended, his muscles were sore.

He lazily poured the milk on the bowl before realizing he hadn't poured the cereal. It didn't matter though, everything was going to end up in his stomach anyway. With a shrug, he poured enough cereal and took the bowl along a spoon before going to the living room where he had been watching 'Big Hero'—he couldn't find the remote to change the channel, but the movie was interesting enough for him.

The boy was halfway his super nutritive breakfast when the main door opened, revealing a very tired-looking Nate. "Aye bro, where were you?" Felix asked without looking away from the screen. "I didn't hear you leaving this morning."

"You never listen to anything around you when sleeping anyway," his brother mumbled as he was taking his hoodie off, revealing a white t-shirt. He walked up to his brother and sat down, letting out a long sigh.

"Whoa, what happened?" Felix chuckled. "Did you fight with your girlfriend?"


"What happened?" he asked, now looking at his brother's face with concern.

Innocence // STRAY KIDS' Han JisungWhere stories live. Discover now