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In which there's something special.


Saying Jisung overreacted was definitely a lie.

As soon as the music started, he squealed and tried to grab his phone back, but Mirae had already took it and ran away towards her room. Finally all those years of racing her sister up and down the house were of good use.

She shut her door and locked it just as Jisung, from the outside, yelled and tried to open the door. But she paid no attention to him and simply decided to turn the volume up to the fullest of his phone, enjoying the catchy melody of the song that was labeled as 'Matryoshka'.

Her body didn't take long to respond, and by the time the hook came along, she was already banging and swinging her head to the rhythm, fighting the urge to dab along. She had a secret hate towards the trendy movement, but that song, boy did it made her want to dab.

"Jisung, this is incredible!" she complimented and he screeched in reply.

"Stop listening! It's embarrassing!"

"But it's good!"

"Oh have mercy."

"What?" She asked distractedly, looking down at the rest of the songs on the play list.

However, she didn't try hard to understand what incoherence he might have said when a text message popped on the screen while she scrolled down, and she stopped the song.

Minho: yo how did it go

Minho: did you tell Mirae yet

Minho: ?

With a frown, she went up to her door and unlocked it slowly, feeling her heart beat ringing on her ears and her hands starting to shake slightly. She looked up at Jisung and gave him his phone, "You have some messages. Here you go."

Jisung's eyes moved nervously through the screen and as he read, and she noticed a small tic on his mouth. Was is nervousness? Or was it something else?

"Did-did you read it?" he stuttered, saving his phone back.

She nodded, "Yeah. What is it that you have to tell me?"

"I-uh-no-I," he looked around and moved his shoulders in a somewhat dancing way. "It's-it's nothing."

"Then why are you so nervous?" she snorted and gave him a kind small smile. "Don't worry, if you don't want to say it yet, I'll understand. But if it's something serious, you better tell me."

"I-uh- it's, it's nothing, no wait, it is something serious, yes, but, uh it's not, it's not that serious."


He breathed in deeply and shook his head lively, "Don't mind, don't mind. It's nothing I can't tell you later."

She squinted her eyes at him and playfully pinched his arm, "You're behaving weird, you know? Are you sure you're not the one who's sick?"

"I think that fall from the earlier did affect my brain."

"As if it was okay to begin with."

"Hey!" he chirmed and she pushed his arm while laughing. "Don't push me," he said and pushed her lightly.

"Don't push me," she giggled and pushed him back, a bit stronger than before.

And so they began a small pushing fight, but Jisung made sure his arm never got strong enough to hurt her. Mirae, on the other hand, tried to push Jisung as hard as she could but her laughter didn't let her.

Innocence // STRAY KIDS' Han JisungWhere stories live. Discover now