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In which there's talented and not-talented people.


"You can't possibly be telling me you preferred JYP's girl dance."

"Yes, I am. Can't you listen? Now let me listen the vocal battle."

"I just can't believe it."

Mirae scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Didn't you say you were loyal to JYP? Why suddenly you support KJ?"

"They're talented at singing, I gotta admit it, but the girls from KJ slayed," he shrugged.

"What a loyal man."

It was already half-way the competition and Mirae and Mr. Handsome-whose name she still hadn't asked-were having trouble at picking which side they wanted to win. It was really difficult because every single act that had performed, sung or rapped were insanely talented and it was almost impossible not to support.

Sadly, the boys hadn't performed yet. She had texted Soobin asking how long it'll take for them to go up the stage, but she had only replied with 'soon'. As if she didn't know that already.

She was eager to watch her school and former schoolmates on stage, but she had managed to calm down by chatting with the handsome and childish boy next to her, listening to his stupid comments telling her about many different hilarious stories about a lot of his friends while the performer came and went. She had tried to keep up with the number of his friends, but she had lost the count after Soobin's dance performance.

"Dude, are you a social butterfly or something?" she blurted when the KJ female group when down the stage before the lights dimmed down. "Like, you know half of this city."

He giggled and shook his head, "I'm not social, just awkward."

"I wish I was that awkward, then," she scoffed and the boy shot his head back in laughter. "Like, seriously speaking, how many close friends do you have? 'Cause you've said almost twenty different stories about who-knows how many friends of yours by now."

"I'm really close with, uh...twelve guys?"


"Be quiet, we're on a show," he shushed her whilst holding a finger up on his lips.

"How in the world is one able to be close to that many people?" she ranted, using her hands to express her shock. "I don't even think I have that many regular friends."

"Well, they're there for me and I'm there for them, so we're all good."

She was about to ask him to teach her to socialize, but the stage lit up in that right instant. Her eyes found their way to the faces of the upcoming performers and she had to cover her mouth from screaming out.

There were nine dim and blurry figures, but they were still recognizable to her myopic eyes-it was the boys. She recognized the tall body of Hyunjin and the angled face of Changbin, but she had to wait until the lights were a bit brighter to identify correctly the rest of them.

Spotting Jisung was easier than she thought it'd be. His soft, puffy cheeks were too familiar to Mirae, and the fact that she could recognize them after being that far shocked her. She was amazed at the great team work they all had, their synchronization and the power they emanated on the audience.

Every time the beat dropped, Mirae couldn't stop herself from banging her head upwards, moving her hands in what she believed was her way to feel the rhythm. She probably looked like a complete fool, but it couldn't care less to her; the music and their amazing choreography were the only two things she cared about at the moment.

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