forty one

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The club of those who resign.


Mirae moved her chair back letting her body lean in so she could rest her chin on top of her pencil case. Puffing her cheeks, she wondered if Philosophy was a class that was really worth to pay attention to.

In all due honestly, the class itself was rather interesting most of the times, but something about Thursdays and the sleepy aura of the classroom bored the hell out of her mind. If the class was a bit earlier in the day it wouldn't be so bad, but having to think and question literally your entire existence right after lunch was exhausting.

The girl tapped softly on the table as the teacher was calling the students so they could pick up their graded tests from about a month ago—the teacher was so distracted that he was known for delivering everything on the last day of the period, where there was no time left to do any recovery activities to improve the grade.

They had been told to read the conference the man had delivered at the beginning of the class, but Mirae wasn't feeling like reading. She tried to read, however, but by the third page of the seven-page document she almost fell out of the chair, almost falling asleep.

She looked over Felix, smirking when she found the Australian boy sleeping with the paper covering his head. She even debated whether she should wake him up or not, but based on the peacefulness on his face she decided to let him have some rest.

Straining her back, she looked around and was shocked when she saw the Nora, the girl who hated reading the most, was actually doing the assignment and even highlighting it. Her gaze went over Soyeon, who was probably drawing something based on the movements of her wrist and the pencil on her hand. Lately she found drawing incredibly interesting and ever since then she had been drawing stuff whenever she could. Soyeon even bought a set of different pencils and a drawing book.

Next to her was Jisung, who looked as bored as ever as his eyes moved through the lines of the conference. Without intending she let her eyes stay on his frame longer, admiring how the shirt form the school uniform wrapped around his arms, how his tie hung loose around his neck and how he kept moving his hair from one side to another, probably trying to maintain himself awake.

She looked away just as she saw him moving his head up, feeling how her entire body came back alive with a rush of feelings. Her attention now landed on Jeno, who was frowning as he read the conference. Next to him was Renjun, who kept on tapping his friend's arm, pointing at something on the paper with a frown. He's probably asking for vocabulary, she concluded before looking away.

Now she watched how Hyunjin and Seungmin were chatting through whispers—those two weren't supposed to be sat together but the teachers let them anyway. No matter where they would be reorganized, they would always find a way to convince their seatmates to switch so they could reunite. It was such a common thing by now that no one complained about it anymore.

"Choi Mirae."

She flinched and quickly adverted her attention back to the front. She stood up and went to where the teacher was, receiving her test with a small bow before sitting back down.

"What did you got?"

"Weren't you sleeping?" she gasped upon hearing Felix's hoarse voice. She glanced at her paper before slipping it under her folder, "I got one hundred."

"You're kidding."

"Yeah, I got a ninety-two."

"You're kidding!"

"No, really I got one hundred." She said, pulling the paper to show it.

Felix's face fell as he eyes the big blue three-digit number written on the corner of the paper, right next to her name. He dropped the paper back into her hands and rolled his eyes, letting his chin fall on top of his conference, "I've never gotten anything higher than ninety on this subject."

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