forty eight

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The Artistic Gala.


Don't say it's the end
Whatever happens, just like always
Our smile flowers will bloom

Whenever, wherever
Even if we're not together, just like always
Our smile flowers bloom
I'll be the spring to your smile


Dragging her feet through the halls of school, she couldn't help but think about how that was probably going to be her last day there. The day before had been the last day of school before summer vacations, and that day was the Artistic Gala, the even that most of the students were longing to see.

All except Mirae.

The Artistic Gala now set the last day of standing in the school as the next week she'd be busy with packing her whole room into boxes, saving up everything that tied her to the city and saying goodbye to her friends. That event was the last time she was going to be a student before becoming the 'new girl' in another country far away.

She tried to take her time that morning to postpone the time to go to school, but she couldn't help but watch how the time flew by as she stayed in her room, staring at the ceiling while listening to her phone buzzing with messages. She couldn't read them, she didn't read any of them. She knew that if she did, she'd break down in tears and her eyes were already puffy from the night before, so she had to be as good as she could for that night's performance.

But when she entered to the school, her eyes immediately watered. She couldn't ease the melancholy feeling in her chest as she walked through the halls, knowing those were most likely her last few wanderings around the school.

As she arrived to the Dance room, she remembered that small lake behind one of the school buildings she found with Jisung a while ago and almost broke down. She didn't want to leave. She wanted to stay more time, she wanted to have time to assimilate the news and accept it. But she had to leave by next week, whether she liked it or not.

Opening the door, she found everyone already getting changed in different corners of the room, which made her feel restless. She wanted to enjoy her time with them a little longer. She didn't want that day to end.

"Hey!" someone exclaimed behind her. "How are you today?"

Jisung. Oh goodness, she was going to miss him more than anything.

Turning around, she forced a smile as she felt the knot growing in her throat, tears threatening to come out. "Hi!"

He didn't hesitate in wrapping his arms around her, pulling her into a tight hug that said more than anything she'd want to hear. "Wanna talk about it?"

She shook her head, snuggling into the crook of his neck. "Not really. I just need a hug."

Jisung hummed and moved his arms so it was comforting yet firm hug. It was as if he was not only hugging her, but also providing a silent support to whatever she was dealing with, and she was more than thankful for it.

He drew small circles in the small of her back while she held his torso tightly, pressing her ear on his shoulder, listening to his breathing. She took her time to take in his smell, noticing he wasn't wearing any perfume, trying to keep it in her memory for as long as she could.

"Guys, I'm sorry to interrupt, but we need everyone to get changed to do one last general rehearsal before the event." Mrs. Wang informed, placing a hand on both of their shoulders, giving an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry guys, but we have to hurry up."

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