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In which she has doubts.


Friday was supposed to be a happy day where you only had to survive through the day and wait until it was over, to welcome the weekend. It was almost a universal law. It was on the Bible (well, maybe not, but it should be. Both Sunday and Friday.) (And Saturday too.)

However, since she had missed school days, throughout the whole day she had to speak to teachers asking for the pending worksheets or according dates to present exams she missed and delivering things that had been due to the days she missed, which al gave her like three minutes to eat her food and take her medicine.

She was exhausted, and it was only midday.

Luckily, being all busy on getting updated gave her a perfect excuse to not meet with Jisung or explain to Soyeon and Nora what had happened, since those two somehow found out that Jisung went to her house the day before. Her friends were worse than your typical gossiping neighbor.

It was lunch time and Mirae had just gotten out of the Chemistry lab after delivering the professor a homework she was supposed to deliver two days before. She walked through the hallways towards the cafeteria while fixing her messy ponytail into a more elaborated one. Then, just as she was fixing her glasses on her nose, she almost crashed with another student.

"Oh, I'm sorry," the other one quickly apologized and when his eyes recognized Mirae, he gasped, "Oh! You're Choi Mirae from junior class, right? I'm Lee Chan, a friend of Mingyu-hyung."

"Yes, hi sunbae," she bowed with a small smile. "Mingyu-oppa mentioned you the last time we spoke."

"Yeah, I've been looking for you ever since yesterday. He told me to ask if you're coming later to today's presentation at the Soda Fountain. You are, right?"

She pressed her lips together at the realization that she forgot to ask her parents for permission, nevertheless she nodded. "Yeah, I'll be there. What time was it again?"

"At six o'clock," the upperclassmen replied with an exited smile. "Well, I have to go. See you later, Mirae!"

She waved him goodbye and continued her way, but on the corner she met another student, this time one that was way too familiar. "So you're now going for the upperclassmen, huh?"

Mirae glared at Soyeon, "I am not. And it's none of your business either, so let's go and eat."

"It may not be my issue—"

"It is not."

"—but it sure is to Jisung, isn't it?"

The girl stopped her tracks and looked back at Soyeon with the dirtiest look she could manage. "What are you implying?"

Soyeon chuckled and shook her head, "Nothing! I'm serious. But this hang out of today, is it a date?"

"It's not. Is just that this guy I met invited me, as a friendly hang out, to watch his performance with some of his friends at the Soda Fountain. But I'm not interested on him, alright?"

"Okay, okay, don't get mad, I was just teasing," the girl smiled and hung her arm around Mirae's shoulder. "Why are you so sensitive all suddenly?"

"I have had a long day and it isn't even closer to being over," she lamented as they went to buy their lunch. "Like, I had to speak to literally all the teachers today, deliver like ten works to ten different teachers, speak with the other teachers to make the exams I missed, and I just want to give up on my education and live with my parents forever without worrying about grades and homework and exams and everything that's no fun of school."

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