Chapter 1

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"Mom I'm home!" I yelled while walking in the kitchen.

 Hmm she must still be working, that women is always working. We'll let me introduce myself I'm Hazel, typical 13 year old I have a passion for singing. I've always wanted to do covers and post them on YouTube like any other person, but I've never had the guts to. Before I forget I'm in love with Hayes Grier & Magcon but my favorite is Hayes.

I live in Miami, Florida, my moms half British and half Australian, my dad is half white half Mexican so you can say a little bit of everything. It's always so lonely here I'm the only child so there no one I can talk to expect my best friend Haylee. She's always here for me I consider her as a sister even if we are the complete opposite, also she's 15.

I decided to go upstairs and do a cover of one of my favorite songs "Really Don't Care" by Demi featuring Cher Lloyd. * You wanna play, you wanna stay, you wanna have it all,You started messing with my head until I hit a wall! Maybe I should've known, maybe I should've known That you would walk, you would walk out the door, hey!*

I heard someone yell, "I'm home sweetie!" I stopped the video and went down stairs. "Hey mom I though you were going to be home at 3:30?" She responded,"Yeah me too but there was traffic and you know how people love taking there sweet time." We both stared laughing, gosh how much I love my mom.

 "Where's dad?" I asked.

"He's going to be home late he has a meeting" mom said. I just nodded & went upstairs.

I though to myself I need to be confident and post a video. I do sing pretty good maybe people will like it I though to myself. I logged on YouTube and saw the button that said "Post", okay man up Hazel you can do this. On the count of three ready one, two , three! *click*

Oh my cheese balls I can't believe I posted it ahh!! I was freaking out I didn't know if I was dreaming or if this was reality. I was walking around my room freaking out. I remembered that I had only recorded half of the song so I was feeling much better. I decided to take a nap for a while then see how many likes I got.

*Two hours later*

I remembered about the video so I quickly got out of my bed and went to my computer, all I remember was that there was a number I never though I would ever see.


"Another great show!" Said Nash. Everyone just nodded we were all very exhausted, but when we would get to the hotel we would use our phones . Once we all got to the hotel the guys decided to stay in my room.

We all had to share rooms so it was Nash,Taylor & me, them it went Jack Johnson, Jack Gilinsky & Cameron. Last it was Matt, Aaron & Carter, but we always just chill in someone's room then we sleep. Everyone was on there phones while I was on YouTube, I love looking at other peoples covers. I was looking around when all of a sudden this video was there it looked interesting so I just clicked on it. It didn't have many views so I clicked on it.

When the video was finished I was speechless, her voice was incredible. Right away I had to show the guys hopefully we can bring her touring with us.

"Everyone look at this cover I found!" Everyone ran over here and they stayed speechless, the first to say something was Nash.

"We need to bring her with us. She can do duets with you Shawn plus the fans will love her!", Nash said.

Nash had a point but she's only 13 and it will too much pressure for her. "Guys but she's only 13 it will be to much pressure for her." Everyone stared yelling and telling me to tell Bart to try to contact her. I though about it maybe it wasn't such a bad idea, I finally decided, "Okay guys I'll talk to Bart."

Everyone stared to cheer, this tour is just about to get better.


1 thousand views! I couldn't believe my eyes. How could this even be possible if I only had posted the video 1 hour ago. I though I was good but not this good to be getting a thousand views. I have to tell someone but who? Wait I can just call Haylee she'll come over right away plus she lives two houses down from mine.

 I quickly dialed her number, *ring ring* "Hello?" "Haylee come over quickly it's an emergency!" I yelled in the phone. She stared yelling," I'll be right over boo!" I ran downstairs to tell my mom Haylee was coming over, she nodded and went to her room. I was laying on the couch looking through twitter when I saw that Shawn tweeted something. It was a video huh I'll see it later I'll just retweeted and favorite it. Haylee came running though the door,"What happened I came as fast as I could." She's my best friend she don't need to knock.

We both went running to my room, "Your ready to see". She yelled back," I can't wait any longer!" I showed her my video, her mouth went wide. She couldn't believe it be both stared doing a little happy dance. We were so happy that we didn't realize it was Friday so since it was Friday she spent the night.

Haylee & I were laying down and I remembered that Shawn had posted a video. I went to go look at it.

While it was loading all I could see was me on the screen. I was speechless I couldn't breath I couldn't believe it he saw me singing and shared it!

"Haylee omg look Shawn just shared the video of me singing!" She stared screaming and my mom heard us, she came in the room scared saying," Are you guys okay? I heard screaming, what happened?"

"Don't worry mom just us girls fangirling you know us already."

She just laughed and said,"Teens will be teens haha." After that she left. "Haylee you have to know how to keep things down low." We both burst out laughing, because we both knew Haylee can never be quiet.

I also couldn't believe that everyone from Magcon was following me.


I was looking through her twitter I believe her names is Hazel because her user name is @HazelHayesTheFuture12 (not a real twitter name lol). On her bio it said she lives in Miami,Flordia, what a coincidence because that's our next stop for Magcon. It also says she is 13 and loves Hayes, we'll it looks like we found a girl for Hayes. I had to find out where Hazel lives in order to ask her to come and join us for the tour.

"Shawn hurry our flight leaves in 20 minutes!," Nash yelled.

 "Coming!", I responded.

 Let Magcon being ladies & gentlemen.

*Authors Note*

Hey guys it's Ana, this is my first chapter for "Nobody Compares" I was literally scared to post it but I posted it lol! Excuse myself I'm weird lol anyways I hope you guys enjoyed it, I don't know yet when I will be posting the next chapter but I'm going to start writing it. Also if you guys have any ideas please feel free to message me, and leave feedback too! Hope you guys enjoyed! Vote & Comment! Love you my little munchkins ❤️ ~Ana

Also if you guys wanna follow me on twitter and Instagram that will be below this!

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