Chapter 31

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After Hayes said all those things I felt like I had enough energy. I felt my body and voice come back.

"I you too Hayes," I smiled. As soon as I responded back his face lit up,

"Hazel! Doctor! Nash! Hurry come in!" Hayes yelled and stared crying which I hope were tears of joy.

The doctor soon stared asking plenty of questions but until Nash and the doctor looked at me they stopped talking. They were blown away,"Hazel! You're okay." Nash said while crying.

"I'm going to get a nurse in here Hazel I'll be right back," he said as he ran out the door.

"Ha..Hazel you're okay, I," Nash paused for a moment ,"I though we were going to lose you forever." A tear rolled down his face.

"Gu..guys I miss you," I managed to say with bit energy I had. "Hazel were going to run a few tests if everything turns out okay you can leave tomorrow." The doctor came in with a nurse.

"Visiting has been over for today guys, you can come tomorrow," the doctor tried to explain to Nash and Hayes what was happening.

We said goodbye and that I would call them if anything, "Should we go run some test?" Th doctor asked. "Yes," I smiled, it's good to be back.

~The Next Day~

"Feel better Hazel, and try to stop coming to the hospital," The doctor joked. "I'll try," I giggled. This is probably the 10th time I've come to the hospital, my record must be full.

As I opened the door everyone yelled,"Surprise!"

"Aww thank you guys," only a single tear escaped my eye, "Were all happy to have you back," Cam spoke up. I hugged everyone as they handed me a present. "Guys you didn't have to buy me things," I said seriously. I tried giving them back but they would ignore me.

"Cam take this back, this bag costs almost 1,000 dollars." I tried giving him back the LV sling bag back.

"You like cake too? That's crazy," he tried acting stupid and totally ignore my question. After 10 minutes of arguing and trying to give presents back I finally gave up, these guys are the sweetest.

"Umm Hazel this guy claims to know you," Cameron said as Jordan peeked through the door. "Jordan! Hey!" I ran to hug him.

I saw Hayes give him a glare, we'll this is not going to be pretty.....


"Nash do you think it would be okay if I asked Hazel to be my girlfriend again?" Hoping Nash would say yes I crossed my fingers. He shrugged his shoulders,"I don't know, but I do know is that you'll probably end up hurting her." He said in a stingy tone

"We'll thanks for advice," I pretended to thank him, clearly what he said didn't help at all.

When Cameron said there was someone at the door I though it would be her parents. But it wasn't it was that Jordan guy, gosh how I hate him. "Jordan! Hey!" Hazel ran to him and hugged him. I gave him a glare and h just rolled his eyes,

"You look beautiful Hazel," he told her clearing to make me jealous. She just blushed and looked down,"Guys is it okay if I go to the movies with Jordan?" Her eyes lit up when she said his name.

"Hazel I'm sorry but you can't, we have to pack because me leave tomorrow." Nash explained. Her smiled faded,"Okay, we'll I'm going to go walk Jordan down," I felt a rush of anger go down my body.

Everyone nodded and I watched her through the window that was in the hotel room. That's when I saw something the completely broke my heart, he kissed her. "Gu.guys look," I finally managed to say.

Tears soon stared to spill like rain drops,"Dude I'm sorry, maybe she's move-" I cut Nash off. "Moved on?! She said she loved me Nash! How could she just move on in one day! One fucken day! I love her so much! I can't loose her again!" I yelled while loosing control.

I opened the door and ran, I bumped into Hazel she said something but I couldn't hear her. I ran so fast out of the hotel and somewhere. I don't know where but I just ran. I finally ended up in the woods. Tree branched everywhere, kind of foggy but I could still see.

I heard my phone vibrate for about more than 20 times, but I ignored it. I heard someone call my name but I just ignored it, just like they ignore me I'm going to ignore them.

All I could think about was what I saw earlier, maybe Nash is right she has moved on....










Hey guys! I truly am sorry for not updating sooner, my mom just had my baby sister and I've been helping around the house a lot and I haven't had time to update. But I'm glad I did, I normally work on chapters on the weekends but I help so I bearly have time. Good thing this weekend I had time to write, oh my gosh Hazel woke up yas! ❤️

I also stared a new fan fiction it's a Shawn Mendes one, check it out! ❤️

I hope you guys liked this chapter, stay beautiful & stay strong. I love you my little munchkins -Ana ❤️



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Ana x

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