Chapter 10

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*Jack G*

"Hey Hayes um can I tell you something?" He looked up from his phone and said yeah. "Um I really need your help with something. I want to ask Hazel on a date but I don't know how, can you help?" He looked at me with anger in his eyes, but why I just asked a simple question. He responded,"I'm sorry but I can't help you with that. I don't know much of these things." Then he went back to using his phone, huh that was weird. I kept thinking of Hazel and how beautiful she is, but she was 13 & I was 15, but she was turning 14 so that's not a problem. I went on twitter and tweeted something and a few fans, JackGilinsky: Can't wait to land in North Carolina! Love you guys goodnight <3. I put my phone down and soon fell asleep, who knows what our next stop brings us.


Haylee told me so much about her date with Matt. I felt bad for Nash he really likes her & she's falling for Matt, when she's suppose to fall for Nash. I just went along with Haylee, she was starting to trust guys and that's all that matters. I decided to text my mom to see how she's doing, I haven't called her in a while so yeah.

~Text Messages~
Hazel: Hey mom how have you been?
Mom: Hi honey! I've been good thanks for checking on us.
Hazel: No problem mom, how's the baby and dad doing ?
Mom: Umm honey I have to tell you something.
Hazel: What is it mom?
Mom: Your sister didn't make it, she, she died in my tummy.
Hazel: Oh My Gosh! Mom your joking right? Please tell me she's alive next to you in your arms!
Mom: I'm sorry sweetie she's not, I didn't want to tell you so you wouldn't be worried.
Hazel: I'm so sorry mom I should have called everyday.
Mom: Honey it's not your fault okay? I'll call you later I have to cook dinner, bye sweetie love you take care.
Hazel: Bye mom love you too!
~End Of Messages~

I couldn't believe I wasn't going to be a sister & my mom wasn't going to have a little baby around the house. The entire ride to the hotel I was quiet listening to music while everyone else was laughing and having fun recording vines. "Hey Hazel what wrong? You seem a little blue." Nash asked. I looked up and told the first lie I've ever said in my entire life, I was always an honest girl I don't know what got into me. "My head just hurts I think I'm tired." Nash smiled and nodded I think I pulled that off. When we got to the hotel everyone had the same rooms as in California, I asked Hayes if she could switch places with Haylee and he said yes, I mouthed a sorry to Nash and he said it was fine. I unpacked everything and told Haylee I was going to sleep, she nodded while looking up from her phone. I had a horrible day let's just hope tomorrow's good...

~Next Day~

I woke up at 11:00 Haylee wasn't in bed, I checked my phone and noticed I had 2 missed calls and 3 text messages. I looked at the calls 1 missed call from Haylee and the other from Nash, then one messages was from Haylee, the other from Hayes and the last one from Nash. All of the txt messages said the same wake up and call us when your awake. I put my phone down and stared at the celling and kept repeating the same over and over again. It's all my fault all my fault if I didn't come here my baby sister would be safe and born. I practically dragged myself in the shower I took a 10 minute shower and got out. I didn't want to get ready so I put on some leggings that had palm trees with the color light blue and pink, my baby blue shirt that says "Pink" on it and my black Jordan's with baby blue and pink at the bottom. I didn't want to do my hair so I dried it and did a waterfall braid, I put a bit of foundation and mascara grabbed my big purse that's pink that I bought at Pink and went out the door.

I texted Haylee and told her to tell the guys I'm okay and I just wanted some alone time. I didn't want to talk to anyone or see anyone. I though it would be a nice idea to go to the park for a while so I did.

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