Chapter 17

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"I love you too Hayes," I responded. Then I heard him leave and I opened my eyes only a tear escaping my bloodshot eyes. All that was running through my mind was that Hayes still loves me. "Hazel Gomez?" Asked the doctor. I nodded and he continued,"How are you feeling sweetie?" I said I was okay just a bit sore and my head was pounding. "That's normal, anyways we found out why you fainted. It looked like you've been in depression and when someone is in depression there heart kind of gives up, you get me?"

I nodded and responded,"Yeah I've been though some rough things but I'll get though it when I go back on tour." He looked at me with a straight face,"Hazel I don't think you'll be going on tour we need to keep you here till you're heart beat is back to normal." I yelled back,"No please I need to go on tour, these guys and my fans mean the world to me."

"We will see though the days how you're doing okay?" I nodded then he left. I need to get better, I don't want to let the guys, Haylee and my fans down. Then everyone can bursting through the door

"Hazel you had us so worried are you okay? How are you feeling?" Asked Cameron. Then I responded,"I'm okay and feeling we'll too thanks, but the doctor said I might not be able to tour because they have to keep me here till my heart beat is back to normal."

They all had a sad face but then I added,"If I get better than they'll let me leave. I'll just have to be taking pills and stuff like that." Then they're sad faces went to a happy one,"Guys where's Hayes?" I asked. Then Nash responded,"He went back home he had to take care of something," I replied back,"His new girlfriend?" Then everyone nodded.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Asked Haylee. "Please,I'm dying of hunger. Also who has my phone?" I asked. Then Haylee took it our of her pocket and she also had the charger. I mouthed her a thank you then her and the guys left to go buy me food, except for Shawn he stayed here.

"Hazel you don't deserve to be hurt, you're a beautiful and sweet girl." Shawn spoke up. I looked at him and replied,"Aww thanks you're so sweet, why don't you have a girlfriend?" I asked him. "I'm just waiting for the right girl, but I like a girl who I have no chance with."

"May I know who you like?" I asked. Then then guys and Haylee came in. My phone vibrated it was a text

From Shawn 💞- I'll tell you later (:

To Shawn 💞- Okay (:

"Here I brought you a burger and fries with a strawberry banana shake," Haylee said. "Thanks boo!" I responded. Then I dug in I offered if they wanted some but they said they were going to go eat later. I finished my food in less than 10 minutes,"Zayum Hazel looks like you weren't hungry at all." Aaron said.

"Hazel were going to go home and get cleaned up then eat and come back to check on you okay?" I nodded and they left. 5 minutes after they left the doctor came back "Hazel it looks like you can go home tomorrow at 1:00 pm." I practically yelled,"Oh my gosh yay!"

"But you need to be taking some medication, I think you just needed food in you're body to feel better" I nodded and he left. I though I should text they guys and Haylee to know

To Shawn 💞- Shawn guess what?!

From Shawn 💞- What?!

To Shawn 💞- I get to go home tomorrow! Tell the guys and Haylee!

From Shawn 💞- Okay I will beautiful! 😘

To Shawn 💞- Thank bae 😘

What's this I'm feeling, butterflies? I think I'm starting to devolve feeling for Shawn and if feels good...


"Who are you texting?" Asked Haylee. Then I responded,"Guys Hazel can go home tomorrow!" Then Nash tapped the brakes and we all went forward. "This is great news!" Yelled Nash. Then everyone including me yelled,"You nearly killed us!" Then he showed back,"Nearly which means I didn't!" Then I responded,"Just drive you idiot!" Everyone just bursted into laughter ever Nash.

"Guys I'm going in the shower!" I yelled as I was heading to the restroom, everyone just said okay and I got in. I turned in the warm water and got in. It was about 10 minutes till I got out. I wore some simple gray sweat pants and a plain maroon shirt.

"Okay guys who's next?" I asked. Then Haylee went in then after her Nash,Cam,Matt ect. We had bough In-N-Out let me tell you it was delicious. "Where's Hayes?" Asked Matt. Then Nash said,"With Amy, we haven't seen her in a while." "Let's invite her over? You know since Hazel is not here." Taylor said. Everyone seemed to agree except Cam,Nash,Haylee & I but we invited her over.

30 minutes later her and Hayes walked through the door. "Oh my gosh! Hi guys I haven't seen you in so long!" Amy yelled. Everyone greeted her with a hug except me I just shook her and and Haylee did as we'll. This is going to be a long night...

~The Next Day~

Finally today Hazel comes home and I'm super happy I don't know why but I just am. "Who wants to go pick Hazel up with me?" Nash asked. The people who were going were Nash obviously Haylee,Cam & I the rest of the guys stayed home.

"Hey Hazel you ready to go home?" I asked her. She responded with a huge smile on her face,"So ready!" The doctor gave her some pills and medication she has to take when she feels like doing dumb things.

"Shawn can you give me a piggy back ride?" She asked. I nodded and Hazel jumped on my back. "Let's race?" Asked Haylee. Nash nodded and she jumped on her back. "Ready set go!" Cam yelled.

"Come on Shawn run faster!" Hazel yelled. I ran as fast as I could,"Haha winners!" Yelled Hazel.

"Hi guys!" Hazel yelled as giving everyone one a hug and a kiss. "I'm going to go to my room and get some clothes to shower," everyone nodded and she headed upstairs. "Nash I'm going to get my charger from you're room." I said and he nodded.

"Shawn?" Asked Hazel as I passed by her room. I peeked my head and responded,"Yes?" "Where are you going?" She asked. I told her I was going to get my charger and she nodded. "Shawn you never told me who you like," she said. I responded,"Oh yeah huh?" I said while scratching the back of my head.

"So who do you like?" She asked once again. I took a deep breath and said

"Umm, Hazel, I like you,"










(A/N) (Hey guys! Cliffhanger haha! Oh my gosh! Shawn likes Hazel! 😱 remember in my story Shawn is 16 his birthday passed, drama in the next chapters! Anyways we didn't get to 400 reads but we were close! Thanks so much guys I love you all! How was this chapter? Anyways I'm in love with Shawn lol, I also changed the picture of my book cover, thanks for the support! Love you my little munchkins ~Ana❤️



Follow Me I Follow Back💞

Guess the song? "It hurts to know you're happy and it hurts that you moved on," 💋

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