Chapter 26

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"'re Demi Lovato." I stumbled on my words as the Demi Lovato was in my face. "You must be the beautiful Hazel Gomez, I'm we'll you already know who I am." She smiled as she hugged me. "Come in, do you want something to drink?" I asked her. "No sweetie I'm fine thank you," she responded.

"So what brings you here? I mean not that I want you here, I mean I do. So what brings you here?" I finally cleared my throat. "We'll you're friends called me and told me you've been having some trouble and been getting bullied." I nodded and she continued,"I've seen the hate you've been getting and it's honestly horrible. I've been in the position you are in, I've gotten bullied and been in depression. Are you in depression?" She told me.

Tears were forming in my eyes,"Yes, yes I am," she hugged me and handed me a tissue. "Hazel you're a beautiful and strong girl I know you are. I've self harmed before and trust me it's not the best decision I've done. Hazel, have you self harmed?" I froze, do I tell her the truth or do I lie? I just stayed quiet. "It's okay to tell me Hazel, I won't judge I'm here to help." She said.

I nodded as the tears were spilling and falling on my skirt. "Sweetie let me tell you something, the bullies that bullied us are home watching us live our drams while there suffering the consequences. I remember this one time when I was in school and the bullies that always bullied me came up to me." She stopped as tears were falling from her eyes then she continued.

"This time I had enough courage and I stood up for myself. I told her how her words hurt me and she realized how bad she was treating me, she apologized and I accepted it. It felt amazing accepting her apology." I smiled and said,"So all I have to do it stand up for myself and ignore them?" I asked her. She nodded and gave me her number and said to call her if I ever needed anyone to talk to.

"Thank you Demi, you're my idol," I said as she was leaving. She gave me a hug and said,"You're welcome beautiful and remember stay strong," then she left. It felt good to talk to someone, now I'm going to stand up for myself and ignore the haters.


"Do you think Demi already stopped by?" Asked Cam. I said,"I don't know let's go and find out,". We all left and knocked on Hazel's door. She opened it and hugged me the said,"Thank you Nash! Everyone join the hug," Hazel said. Yup Demi defiantly had already stopped by. "I feel so much better talking to someone, especially who's been through the same thing as me." Hazel said.

"I'm glad you're feeling better,shall we all go to eat?" I asked everyone. They all said yes but Hazel said she was meeting up with a friend. "We'll okay Hazel, we will see you later, bye" we all said as Hayes gave her a kiss. Huh I wonder who this friend is, most importantly is it a guy or a girl?....


"I'm sorry I was late but I had someone stop by my hotel." I explained to Nick. He nodded and said it was fine,"So where are we going?" I asked Nick. "How about we go and eat then just walk around?" He responded, I nodded and we drove off.

"Thank you for lunch Nick, it was fun." I told him. "No problem," he responded as we were now walking around the park. I felt like someone was watching me but I just ignored it. "Looks like it's going to rain?" Nick said. I nodded and felt a drop fall on my face, soon it was pouring,"Hurry go to the nearest tree!" Yelled Nick.

As we were running we both slipped and fell on the floor, we bursted out laughing. We played in the rain for a while. I turned around for a while and he picked me up,"Nick! Put me down!" I insisted while laughing. We saw the cab arrived and we ran and got in. "Ill take you to you're room if you want," Nick offers.

"No thanks I'm fine, but thank you for today it was fun," I said. "Anytime Hazel, text me and we'll see eachother some other time?" He asked. I responded,"Of course," I gave him a hug, he was leaning in until I kissed him on the cheek and left.

Was he trying to kiss me? I ran to my room and got in. Everyone was looking at me with an angry face. We'll this isn't going to end up pretty....

"Umm hey guys!" I yelled. "Have you seen the news?!" Yelled Nash trying to warn me that I was in deep shit. "No I haven't what happened?" I asked. They turned on the news and that's when I saw,"Hazel Gomez cheating on Hayes Grier?" The reporter said while showing pictures of Nick and I from earlier. Hayes face was furious,

"I can explain," I said. Then Cam said,"That's who you left us for?! That..that guy!" He yelled. "Hey don't raise your voice at me! He's just a friend!" I yelled. "A friend!" Hayes said while quoting what he said. "So you're cheating on me?!" Hayes asked while yelling. "I'm not cheating on you! You're overreacting Hayes and you too Cam and everyone else is overacting." I said.

"What the fuck Hazel this isn't a joke! Nor I'm overreacting!" Hayes yelled. I wasn't feeling sad I was feeling anger,"You know what! You can't tell me who to hangout with, and who I can be friends with! You can have friends that are girls but I can't have guy friends?! That's just wrong Hayes! And for you guys stop telling me what to do!" I yelled as I stormed out of the room.

Ugh why do they always have to be so nosy and overprotected? I got a message it was from Haylee,

From Haylee 💋- Hey Hazel are you okay? Where are you?

To Haylee 💋- I'm down at the lobby, you can come but don't tell the guys where I'm at.

From Haylee 💋- Okay boo!

"Hey Hazel," Haylee said. I waved at her and she said,"I agree with you it's not a big deal to be friends with Nick. The problem is the paparazzi that there in everyone's business and don't let anyone enjoy life," I laughed,"Thanks Hals, should we head back to the room?" I asked her.

She agreed and we stared walking,"So how does it feel to have met Demi?" She asked. I told her all about it we stopped talking until we got to the room. As everyone had there attention on Haylee and I, I spoke up,"Can Hayes and I talk alone?" I asked everyone. They nodded and one by one left.

As Cam passed by I apologized,"Hey I'm sorry Cam about the yelling," he smiled and hugged me and said it was okay. "Hayes I belie-" he cut me off,"No I'm sorry I was overreacting. You can be friends with Nick and whoever you want. But please don't cheat on me, I love you Hazel," he said as planting a kiss on my lips.

I apologized as we'll and we just kissed. We were kissing with passion, we were on the bed so he slowly laid me down in the bed. We made out for about 5 minutes, then he stared kissing me on my neck, he then put his his hands inside my shirt and was about to unclip my bra when I said,"Babe it's too soon, we are only 14," he nodded and I got up.

"Hazel I never want to lose you, I love you. Okay?" Hayes said. I smiled and responded,













(A/N Hey beautiful people! How was this chapter? I got the feels while writing the part of Hayes and Hazel, Zayum! Haha and I finally got the 5SOS CD I took 20 minutes deciding what color to get lol! ❤️👌😂 #Thestruggleisreal but I went with red! Thank you so much for all the support you guys give me, can we get to 2k by the end of the month? Stay Strong & Stay Beautiful 💋 Love you my little munchkins ~Ana ❤️



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Stay Strong & Stay Beautiful💞

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