Chapter 2

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I think Haylee went home because when I woke up she wasn't here & it was also 10:30. Good thing it was a Saturday because if there was school today I would have been late. I got up and got in the shower, the hot water running through my body. I was probably in the shower for about 30 minutes then I realized I should get out before my parents started banging on the door saying I have used up all the hot water. I decided to wear something simple, some high wasted shorts and a crop top that said "Crazy" with my black converse. I'm not allowed to wear makeup but I'm allowed to wear mascara and lipstick so I put that on and I just did a messy bun.

"GoodMorning princess how did you sleep?" My dad said. "Good thanks for asking dad." I wasn't so hungry so I just grabbed an apple and peanut-butter so I just dipped the apples. The sweet taste filled my mouth with sweetness of the apples. My phone stared vibrating, it was Haylee.

Text messages:

Haylee: Hey boo

Me: Hey Haylee what's up?

Haylee: Just wanted to know if you wanna come shopping with me my parents offered to drop us off?

Me: Yeah let me just ask my parents & if they say yes I'll go to your house in 5

Haylee: Kk boo!

"Hey mom & dad can I go shopping with Haylee her parents offered to drop us off?" They both looked at each other for like about a minute or two, then they finally said," Okay but we want you to behave & I'm going to give you $100 dollars use them wisely.",they said sternly "Thanks you thank you! I love you guys!", I yelled "We love you too have fun!" Hopefully today is a good day.

"Haylee I'm here!" I decided to just go upstairs and see if she was in her room. *knock knock* "Come in!" She yelled. "Hey boo!" She looked at me and laughed, I looked at her with curiosity,"Why are you laughing?" "Because you just came in and didn't knock." I looked at her and bursted out laughing, to be honest I don't know what I'd do without her. "Zayum bae you look beautiful." I looked at her and said,"Pshh that's all you bae but shanks." We both stared laughing, Haylee if a beautiful and sweet girl I don't know why she's single. But actually I do she has a hard time trusting guys I would be too if I went through what she did. "Hazel!, You spaced out for a minute. What were you thinking about?" I didn't know what to say so I just said," You know just Hayes and how were going to get married in the future." "Keep dreaming sister." I gave her a small push & said, " Come on let's go we do got all day!"

~At The Mall~

"Oh my gosh Haylee look at this dress! It's beautiful don't you think?" It was beautiful white dress with poke a dots that reached to my knees. She squeaked," Bae you have to try it on, it will look tots amaze balls on you!" I laughed at her childish language. I ran to the dressing room and right away tried the dress on. I turned around and I was amazed by how it looked on me, it was absolutely beautiful. I have to admit I for once loved how it looked on me, I never liked my body. I've always had thighs and I've never liked them but everyone says I'm beautiful the way I am but I've never believed them. "Hazel hurry up I wanna see how you look in the dress!" I totally forgot about reality for a minute. "Coming Hay!" I opened the curtain and Haylee yelled," Oh my gosh Hazs you look beautiful!" She pretended to start fangirling, asking for my autograph and saying I love you. Then the manager came, "Mam this is a store please keep your voice down." When she left we both looked at each other and laughed because Haylee can never be quiet. I decided to get the dress I mean a dress this pretty can go to waste plus it's only $15 why wouldn't anyone but this? We went into other stores like Forever 21, Charlotte Russ, Victoria Secret & Pink we just bought some matching outfits and other junk. I ended up wasting $60. I wanted to save up to buy the new iPhone 5s that came out so I probably had enough money to upgrade my phone.

~Car Ride~

"How was the mall girls?" Miss.Porter asked. "Good we bough a lot of things mostly clothes." Haylee responded. She just laughed and said,"You girls love shopping and having fun." We both nodded and smiled. "Hazel were having a barbecue later on, I was wondering if you could tell your parents if they wanted to come." I responded,"Sure miss. Porter I'll tell them when I get home. I was also wondering if I could spend the night?" She squealed,"Sure sweetie your always welcome at our home." I just smiled and replied,"Thank you." She nodded and smiled, the rest of the car ride Haylee & I were singing to every song on the radio. Today actually turned out really good.


"Shawn wake up were here!", Nash yelled in my ear. I love these guys like my brothers but sometimes they can be a pain in the ass. I went up to his ear and yelled,"Thanks Nash I didn't notice!" He jumped as if had just seen in ghost. He looked at me with annoyance but I really didn't care. Once we arrived to the hotel there were fans everywhere, how was this be possible if we didn't tell the fans where we would be staying. The I looked at the one who tweets everything he's always doing Carter. We'll at least we have people who care for us, I so glad I have a second family I don't know where I would be if these guys weren't here with me. When we got to the hotel we checked in and we still stayed with the same people we were in our last stop. I was tired but I wasn't sleepy weird right? I decided to lay down and close my eyes for a while, before I knew it I fell into a deep deep peaceful sleep.


When I got home I put all the things I bought away finally I restored new items into my closest. I went down stairs to tell my parents that Haylee's parents offered to have us for dinner tonight. "Hey mom & dad." "Hey sweetie what's up?", my dad responded. "Haylee's mom told me they were doing a barbecue around 6:30 and they told me if you guys wanted to join." "Mmm that sounds so good right now especially since it's hot and sunny." Mom said. "So that's a yes?" They both nodded. "Oh yeah I almost forgot can I spend the night at Haylee's house?" They looked at each other and my mom gave my dad the don't look at me that's your decision look. My dad finally spoke up, "Yeah that's fine sweetie." I said thanks you and I love you both and went upstairs to pack.

Once we got to Haylee's house we exchanged hello's then Haylee & I went upstairs to drop my things off in her room. "Your parents are being really nice to you lately haven't you noticed?" Haylee asked. To be honest I have been noticing, I also been noticing my mom has been eating a lot. She was only 30 & my dad was only 33, but age has nothing to do with hiding something. Or does it? I just shook it off and said,"No I haven't noticed anything different." She was about to speak but was cut of by her mom," Girls the food is ready!" Haylee was so excited she almost fell of the stairs, I also forgot to tell you she loves her some food. The rest of the night we laughed and ate. "Thank you for having us Mary & John." My patents said. "No thank you for coming Ann & Jose." The Porters said. Everyone said goodnight and I said bye to my parents. "Behave sweetie." I just nodded and with that they left. What an exhausting day now to get some rest.

*Authors Note*

Hey guys! How you been?! Anyways sorry if this chapter is short I tried to make it long but I think I failed lol. Yay I posted two chapters in one day! Just wanted you to know that I didn't want to rush things so I'm waiting till chapter three for the existing things to come! We got family drama and Magcon coming in! I decided in chapter 3 to put Haylee's point of view and other characters point of views in. I'm also starting summer school on Monday! 😭😭 I won't be posting every day but probably every 2 days or so 😭😔💔😫 Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, remember if you have any ideas feel free to comment or message me. Vote & Comment! Love you my little munchkins! ❤️ ~Ana

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