Chapter 29

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I wasn't to sure about Hayes and I being friends, he will probably hurt me while were not even dating. I shook it off and maybe being friends with Hayes wasn't such a bad idea, I mean what could he possibly do.

"You still love Hayes don't you Hazel?" Haylee said while jumping on the bed.

I jumped a little,"Haylee don't scare me like that!" I said while touching my heart as it was beating super fast. "You didn't answer my question," Haylee said still waiting for her answer. Do I still love Hayes?

"Haylee I don't know, my emotions are a huge mess." I said while looking down.

She came next to me and hugged me,"Bae, don't get sad it was just a simple question." Just thinking of Hayes and the word love brings back good memories. "It's fine,i just miss him but we need some time." I said while holding in my tears.

She smiled and said,"How about we have a you and I day? We can ask Bart if we can not go to Magcon today." Haylee said while making me smile.

"Sure let me just get dressed, since you're dressed already go ask Bart." I told her while changing into some black skinny jeans and my white tank top then my 5SOS signed hoodie the guys have me. It was super cold outside so that'd look cute plus a messy bun and my black UGGS.

"He said it was fine but to be very carful and don't do stupid things," she clearly said the last part very serious. "How are you and Nash?" I asked her while sitting int the back of a taxi cab.

"Were doing good, I really love him a lot," she smiled,"Ladies were here," the taxi guy warned us. We payed him and got off to the mall,"Let's go to Forever 21 first?" I asked Haylee, she nodded and we had fun the rest of the day.

"We bough too many things, you came with 8 bags and I came with 9!" Haylee squealed. I laughed,"I'm going to go to the pool at the hotel okay?" She nodded and I left.

As I got in the pool my skin got goosebumps, gosh it was cold. I took a swim for a while, I was about to go into the warm water when I saw Hayes and another girl. I tried getting to the low area to get a better view, it was this beautiful blonde girl.

She was really beautiful, I couldn't help but feel jealousy run through my body. "Hayes you're so cute," she giggled while laughing. "You too Mia," Hayes said while leaning in to kiss her. Only a single tear escaped my eye, I wasn't looking where I was going when I hit the deep spot.

I couldn't breath,"!" I tried yelling with enough power I had.

"Hazel! Breath stay with me," I felt Hayes lift me up and carry me to the table. "Hazel, stay with me," he said while giving me mouth to mouth.

I tried to keep my eyes open but I gave up, then everything went pitch black....


"Where you going Hayes?" Nash asked curiously. "To meet up with this girl I've been talking to," I responded while grabbing my swimming shorts. "What about Hazel?" He asked sadly.

"Were only friends there's nothing between us," I slammed the door and left.

"Hayes you're so cute," Mia said while giggling. "You too Mia," I responded, I was about to lean in when I head someone yell for help.

"!" The person yelled, "Do you hear that?" Mia said worriedly. "Yes I do," we quickly got out. I saw someone I didn't want to see, Hazel. I got her out of the water,"Hazel stay with me," I gave her mouth to mouth. Her eyes stared closing,"Stay with me Hazel," then her eyes shut for good.

"Call 911 Mia please!" I asked her while holding in tears. She nodded,"I'm going to get changed text me if anything," Mia leaned in and kissed my cheek. The ambulance was soon here and I got in with Hazel.

"Dude...Ha...Hazel in the hospital," I cried into the phone while talking to Nash.

"I'll be on my way," Nash said into the phone. Ten minutes later they arrived,"What happened? Where's Hazel?!" Shawn came in yelling.

"I...I was in the pool, Mia and I head someone yelling for help and," I stopped and stared crying,"We found Hazel she was drowning and I tried to help her, but she wouldn't keep up with me," I stared sobbing in Nash's chest.

Everyone was crying and walking around the room,"Why hasn't the doctor came out yet?!" Nash yelled.

"Sir please quiet down," a nurse said. "Nash she's right you need to stay ca-", "Stay calm?! Hazel is in a fuckin hospital and we don't know what's wrong with her!" Nash yelled.

"Sir if you don't quiet down were going to have to escort you," the nurse said again. Nash sat down and we waited for about 3 hours when the doctor finally came.

"Doctor where's Hazel? Is she okay?" Everyone stared asking all these questions. The doctor just stayed quiet.

"Guys I need you to be strong okay?" He said very seriously.

"Doctor what's wrong? Please tell me she's okay," my voice cracked.

"Guys, Hazel, she's, she's in a coma and don't know when she will be waking up. I'm very sorry," he said then left.

Hazel in a coma, after he left my heart shattered into millions of pieces,

The girl I love is in a coma and she might not wake up for a long while....











Hey guys it's Ana! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in such a looong time. I'm also sorry for the short and crappy chapter, but I'll make the next ones long and interesting. Oh my gosh I'm going to cry Hazel is in a coma, 😪😞😭😱. Anyways has anyone seen Hayes new haircut?! Oh gawd Imma die he's uff ❤️😘👌😻

Excuse my weirdness lol, I hope you guys liked this chapter please vote and comment guys I love you so much and thank you for all the support you guys give me. ❤️😘 (Sorry for any errors)

Stay Beautiful & Stay Strong ❤️😘 ~Ana ❤️



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Ana x

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