CHAPTER 2 - Awoken

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~second person~

Your eyes slide slowly open but squint at the glaring light above you. You go to move your arm to rub your eyes but are stopped by something. This causes you to immediately open your eyes no matter the pain. You can't move your legs and arms, they have been held in place by restraints. You pull as hard as you can to try and break the metal restrains chaining you to the hospital bed but are hopeless. You struggle again when the door swings open. The when the one and only Dr. Ziegler emerges from the door wearing a lab coat as well as holding a clip board. Although the technology currently in existence – the old classic paper and pen was always reliable. You stop struggling the moment you recognise her. But still, why where you tied down to the bed.

"Where am I?!" You nearly shout in confusion and anger. You struggle briefly again. I should be able to break out of these chains, why can't I?! My cybernetics should be strong enough!

"Calm down, take a deep breath. You're in a safe place now." Though a sigh of relief was exhaled, you tried to struggle once more. Idol or not your coldness never changed.

"Where am I?!" You argued back. "And why am I chained up, why can't I break out of these." You gritted your teeth and pull at the restraints again.

"Ah yes, some impressive cybernetics you have there. These chains are designed to restrain you – at one point we had to restrain one who shares similarity with you."


"Overwatch." She corrects herself. Your eyes widen. Of course, it makes sense. The door swung open again and a man with silvery grey hair walked in – Soldier 76.

"And to answer your other question" He begun. He must have been listening in. "You have been restrained because you are considered dangerous – a terrorist if one must say." He stands next to Dr. Ziegler.

"A terrorist?" You crane your neck to look up at him.

"Yes, our CCTV cameras picked you up – facial recognition, we have been monitoring you for a while (Y/N). You're lucky I was on patrol when you were attacked." There is silence between the three of you. He spoke up again. "Due to your intense criminal actions, you'll be transported to a high security prison tomorrow." He turs on his heels ready to leave the room.

"Wait!" You call out. If there's one you don't want – that's prison. You hated opening up about yourself but right now there was no other option. He stopped and turned around. "There's something you should know. I was being forced to do those crimes."

"That's what they all say –" You cut him off.

"No really, they installed a manipulator chip into the back of my neck. Whenever I disobeyed they would electrocute me." He frowns.

"Is this true Dr. Ziegler." She nods.

"I did notice something odd while examining her. She indeed does have a manipulator chip embedded in her neck." He crosses his arms and looks back at you.

"Is there anything else I should know?" You think for a moment.

"No." You say bluntly.

"Alright." He looks back at Dr. Ziegler. "Run some more tests on her. See if her story checks out. Then we'll consider what to do with her."

"So, I won't go to prison?"

"For now, no."


Dr. Ziegler ran more tests over the rest of the day. You eased up slightly knowing that you were – for the first time in fifteen years – safe.

She tested you reflexes, your cybernetics and everything that she could think off. She took off her stethoscope after measuring your heart rate. "Your heart is strong. Though I must conclude that you are malnourished." She beckoned for you to lower your shirt. She types something into the computer. "One thing I will offer you though, it may not be my place to say, but if your story checks out maybe they'll offer you a place on the team. Maybe I'll even make better cybernetics for you." This was it. Your whole life you wanted to be a part of Overwatch but never got the chance. Maybe the skills you learnt could be used for good – it would take some time to get used to people who are friendly and interacting with them, but maybe all this was for the better. Though you would prefer to run away to an island and lead a peaceful life, but the trauma you had experienced meant you would never be able to go back to what you were all those years ago.

There were too many tables unturned. Too many bad memories. No interests, no hobbies, no home. No parents, no family to run to. No friends. No one to love.

If this chance did arrive, you would take it within a single beat of your heart.

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