CHAPTER 5 - Weird Feeling and Memories

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That evening you had gone down to the mess hall to get some dinner then take it back to your room. You still weren't ready to fully socialise. Just as you had gone somewhat unnoticed by the others you were called out to.

"(Y/N)." You turn to see Genji sitting down at one of the tables apart from the others. "Care to join?" He offered with a plate full of food set out on the table in front of him. You look back at the doorway wishing that you could be alone but take his offer anyway. You sit opposite him.

"I've never seen you down here before, and why aren't you with the others." You take a bite of your food.

"I could say the same for you." You roll your eyes.

"Point taken. You know at this point I'm just going to stop asking you questions." You take another bite and speak with a full mouth. "Can you eat, do you even need to eat?" After all, he was just looking down at the plate in front of him.

"Wanting to eat and needing to eat are two different things. But yes, I can still eat. How is the food."

"It's better than what I'm used to."

"That's good." He reaches behind his head and you hear a small hiss. What happened next you were definitely not expecting. So much, that you nearly choked on your food. He takes off parts of his helmet to reveal a badly scarred face and bushy black hair. His neck was mostly covered with metal as well as the sides of his head and his jaw and bottom lip. Behind the helmet you never thought him to have a face.

"Holy shit..." You whisper, startled. You stared at his features. Frankly you thought it rather suited him, rather cute...wait what?! You questioned yourself.

"Is something the matter (Y/N)?" His voice sounded less metallic, more real, it was real.

"Uh, no, nothing. It's fine...I just wasn't expecting, well...that?"

"Do you hate it?" He asked rather nervously.

"What! No, I like it – hold on, no not like that – wait." You ramble trying to fix your 'mistake'. "I just wasn't expecting you to...have a face." He smiles a rather cute smile and lets out a laugh.

"It is perfectly okay (Y/N). I rather like your face too." He leans over and takes a spoonful of the soup he was now eating. You feel your cheeks heat up. What was that, what was this warm feeling inside you. It was something you had never experienced before. You look away from him and quickly glance at the others. A few of them are staring – including Lena. But not a nasty stare, a confused but happy one. You turn back to Genji still confused about this weird feeling inside you. Maybe it was the cybernetics failing, you'd need to speak to Angela.

You wanted to ask why he was like the way it was, but for some reason that felt inappropriate so you dismissed the itching question. Not knowing what to say you just let words fall out of your mouth as they desperately tried to form words. "So, do you like the food?"

"Hm? Yes, though it does not taste the same as it used to." You sat there in silence for the rest of the meal. It started out awkward but then later turned to a comfortable mutual silence.


After the meal, you went straight to Angela to consult her with your recent development. You knocked on the door.

"Come in." You heard her gentle voice. She sighed and put down a file that she was reading. "Is everything okay (Y/N)?"

"I think there's something wrong with me."

"Take a seat." You take a seat on the chair opposite her. "What's the matter."

"Well, I was eating and all of a sudden my whole face heats up and I got a weird warm feeling inside me. I think I might be allergic to the food, or it could be my cybernetics again?" She looks you up and down.

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