Chapter 18 - Escape

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Hey guys. Sorry that this is shorter than usual and maybe rushed slightly. I've been focusing on my new Detroit Become Human fanfic so if you like some Connor x reader action go check it out. I've only just started though. Sorry for taking so long to update, I had writers block for this story.


~Your POV~

Your stomach churned as you waited anxiously for something to happen. You had no idea what that would be, but you knew it was coming. Shifting your weight in the seat that you had silently sat in for the past hour, you pull at the handcuffs restraining your arms behind your back. You tried again but nothing happened, you couldn't break them. Normally breaking such flimsy things would have been easy but either they were extremely strong or they had done something to you. You fiddled around for longer before being startled by the sudden opening of the door. What you saw struck you with surprise.

A tall figure in a long coat and hood approached you slowly, their face covered by a ghoulish white mask, their heavy boots thudding across the floor. His voice was rasp and deep as he spoke.

"They tell me you have faith in Overwatch. Hah," His laugh low and grumbly. "What a foolish girl." Your heart pounded in your chest as he approached you, placing his clenched hands either side of the table. "You really think they're going to come for you. How sad."

"They will, just you wait!" You snap back at him. He stands up straight before resting against a wall, arms folded in front of him.

"First, it'll be the days, then the weeks, months will go past and you will be left wondering why no one ever came for you. It's because they'll forget about you, you're a lost cause. It's what Overwatch does."

"They will know I'm gone. If they don't come, Genji will find me, and if he doesn't show...I'll get myself out of this wretched place." You stomach twisted at the thought of being abandoned by everyone and everything you loved, but if it was going to be that way...then so be it.

"Sure, whatever you believe." A solemn tone overcoming the stranger. It was like he used to believe, to have hopes, but now they were gone and emptiness filled his heart – or, if this thing even had a heart. "Personally speaking, I could care less about you but everyone else seems to think that having you here will wage a war again between Talon and Overwatch. I however thought about taking a more direct approach." The figure looked towards you. "But then." He stands away from the wall and strides back to you. "I had an even better idea. When we're done extracting information, we'll hand you over to Moria, I'm sure she'd love another toy to play with in her lab...that's if you're still alive by the end of the process. And then maybe we can use you to destroy Overwatch, to kill everyone you hold so dearly."

"You can't make me do that!"

"Oh, but we can. Do you remember the story about the Overwatch Agent Geared and how his own wife murdered him in his sleep...if we can do that - we can do it again. Also, the offer that was made to you earlier, you should've taken it. It would've been a lot less painful. We don't have time for bullshit games here (Y/N), we get the work done. When something doesn't work, we try another way, whether it's for better or for worse."

You couldn't just stay here any longer, you had to get out. If Talon wanted a war...well, they were about to get one. Overwatch would come for you, and even if this man's twisted words had truth behind them, you would break out yourself.

He moves towards the doorway. "If I were you I'd get relaxed, you're not going to be this comfortable for the rest of your short life." He opened the door and soldiers came marching in. "Take her and follow me." Following his orders, they pulled you up and held onto you tightly. You struggled against their grip but it wasn't enough.

"Argh! Let go of me!" You relentlessly keep trying to break free. What had they done to you, normally you'd be easily able to get out of this situation. They had tampered with your cybernetics. You could do nothing but submit, there was nothing you could possible do. Helplessly they escorted you down countless hallways until you entered into a sterilised medical room. The place stank of antiseptic causing your nose to twitch. In the middle sat a single lone dentist looking chair covered in cuffs and straps. "No, no, no, no!" They force you onto the bed and you violently kick back. They undo the cuffs on your hands and begin to strap you in. Their hands kept pulling at you desperately as you fight for freedom. As one of them moved past your face you latched onto it with your mouth causing the man to screech out in pain, you felt his hot blood dripping into your mouth.

"Hurry up, strap her in. It can't be that hard!" You heard the strange figure from before shout. Oh, but yes it was. The thought of them using you to murder Genji was unbearable and is what fuelled your anger. All of a sudden, like a switch being flipped you seemed to regain control. Little to your knowledge did you know that Angela had installed a programme requested by the commander that would essentially reboot your cybernetics when put under extreme stress and pressure. A smirk formed on your face as you tore your arm from their grip and punched one of them square in the face. Like a flash of lightening you rolled off the bed and stole a handgun form one of the men's holster. Pointing the barrel to his face with precision you shot him dead where he stood. You flip back up and lunge towards one of the guards taking him down swiftly.

Within thirty seconds you had defeated the seven soldiers in the room. You chuck the empty gun to your side as you see the ghastly figure slip out the doorway. You pick up a gun from another dead body and peruse him down the hallway but as you exit the room he is nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, the lights dim and begin to flash a bright red making you squint as a loud and sharp siren begins to play on repeat. You had to escape, and nothing could stop you. You wipe the hot blood off your face only to smear it in more. You felt the same rush of energy that you used to feel when working for the gang. It was like an unstoppable force that would kill anything in its path, innocent or not, friend or foe. It consumed you. You sprinted down several corridors before being met face to face with twenty guards. A normal person would run and hide but you had a different plan. They readied their guns but you were quicker. Dropping to the floor and slipping under them you shot at them. It was an unholy bloodbath that could even make a ruthless killer want to vomit.

Quickly you back up against a wall as you hear the thundering footsteps coming towards your direction. You inch towards the corner slowly but stop with your gun readied as suddenly thuds, grunts and ghastly screams fills your ears. Someone else was here. As all falls, silent you quickly turn and point your gun at the tall figure.

Blood dripped off his sword and stained his glistening metal body. The green from his visor faltered as he laid his eyes upon you. You had to admit he looked like a total badass.


"Genji..." You whisper to the masked man. Slowly, you lower the gun before attacking him in a hug. Still holding the sword, he hugs back tightly before quickly pulling away and looking you up and down.

"You're bleeding."

"Oh, that... Don't worry, it's not mine. I'm okay. W-What are you doing here, how did you find me?" Glancing behind him you saw human bodies scattered. Some with missing body parts others with shurikins sticking out of their faces. You turn your attention back to him.

"I don't have time to explain. We need to get out of here! There's a drop ship waiting for us. Lena is causing a distraction."

"Okay." Quickly you turn to be met with more guards. Jesus, how many people does Talon have? The two of the fight your way out of the building before being able to get out the back. You rush onto the dropship and strap yourself in as it begins to take off. The sound of bullets colliding with metal rain down on the ship as it shakes and shudders. With a loud sigh and lean up against his shoulder and feel yourself drifting off into a much-needed sleep. Tomorrow would sure be interesting, filled with questions and scheming. Talon wanted a war...well now they had one. 

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