CHAPTER 20 - Who is he?

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Hey guys! I'm trying to get back into the swing of writing this book and developing the plot line a lot more. Also comment and hit me up if KSHS means anything to you :D


The distant whirring of the Bombs as they fell out of the sky, their eerie sound coming closer and closer...Explosions echoing off every wall, the finality of the gust of hot air from the shock wave ...Boom, boom, BOOM ...You run through the streets, the torn buildings now resulted to rubble. You had lost it all before and now it was happening again. You were just one of the many children left with nothing but ash and dust after the attacks, yet your story happened to be the most tragic...most painful...most unbelievable. You had gone through much more than anyone could imagine and if anyone thought they knew you, they were severely wrong. Even you didn't feel like you knew yourself, you had lost a part of you many years ago. Something that could never be returned.

The broken shards of glass and the weary and desperate cries, the stinging of furnaced sand slicing skin, the pain all numbed away – merged together in an eternal fiery hell.

The blood, the pain, the agony all returning at once. The feeling you knew you should've surrendered to – loss. But you were numb.


A machine...

The cutting of the knife and the coldness of the restraints. The pure terror and the blackouts – trying to reach for something that you couldn't chase...You were just a child. The metal under your skin – the spraying of the crimson red as throats were sliced and necks were snapped. A duty that too had numbed you.

The love, the happiness, the tranquillity, all stolen away by threat after threat. Something the universe was saying you could never have – a touch of human – a touch of life.

The roaring of the ship and the pit in your stomach as ominous thuds hit the sandy beach below. The whirring of the engine and the coldness of the dark room. The terrors behind the mask, the cold needles of death.

The crimson red of slicing throats and snapping necks...A cycle you could not escape.

All of which was not a dream.

You rose gasping for breath, fists ready by your side and poised on the side of the hospital bed. Your chest heaved helplessly and your head hurt as your eyes darted around looking for something familiar, something that wasn't cold and sterile. A hand gently touched your shoulder causing you to spin around to face the new threat...Only, it wasn't a threat. But the warmth you had been looking for. You'd recognise that metal hand and glowing green illumination anywhere.

"Genji..." You whispered as your breaths became even. Your shoulders slumped as a wave of relief washed over you. He moved his hand down to yours only for you to flinch away. Adverting your eyes from his unmoving gaze.

"What is the matter (Y/N)?" He retracts his limb giving you the space. You hugged your arms tight to your body before whispering solemnly.

"I'll hurt you." Your breath becomes hitched. "Angela said that-"

"Said that you're just like me..." He continued your sentence changing the words to his own. "And that we need to stick together, and that you will never hurt me." You starred with glassy eyes up at him as he moved his hand up to his face and pulled off the mask revealing the scarred mess underneath. A sad smile creased his lips as he reached out a hand letting it hang in the air. Slowly you entangle your fingers with his and rest your head on the cool metal of his chest – soothing the throbbing headache.

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