CHAPTER 6 - Here we Start

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You wake up from your slumber with a jolt. That perfect family life you had lead had all come to an end. Sweat dotted across your forehead forming into little beads. Slowly, you sit upright and lean your head in your hands. You must have fallen asleep from earlier. You stand up pressing your feet onto the cold tiled floor. You slide open the balcony door and rest up against the railing taking in the cool 2am air. Your untied and messy hair flows in the gentle breeze. Everything was so peaceful at night time. You stare up at the twinkling stars, this time not being afraid of being punished for taking in its beauty. You remember the stars being a lot brighter when you were younger, now they had dulled as the human race went on. There was nothing to stir you, the abandoned city sat quietly in its abandonment and the waves crashed along the shoreline down below you. You take a deep breath in...then out. You sigh coming to the conclusion of that you'll train with Genji tomorrow. You two were a lot more like each other than you knew.

Morning had come. Every day that you woke up in this place it had felt like something had changed. Today you would have a quick meeting with Jack, Angela and Winston about your situation, then later you would train. But first, breakfast.

You made your way down to the commune area where you saw Lena and Mei eating together. You pour yourself a bowl of cereal and go to sit by yourself when something changes in you. You pause and turn towards the two unsuspecting women. You place your bowl on the table and sit down causing them to immediately stare at you with shock from your unusual action.

"Hi?" They say in unison with confusion.

"Hey." You say quietly beginning to munch down your cereal. They looked at each other then smiled.

"I don't believe we have met. I'm Mei." The Chinese girl says quite cheerily. You stop eating and look her up and down then force a smile to your face. Smiling wasn't really your thing.

"(Y/N)." You reply. Lena starts to talk.

"Well it's nice that you have decided to finally interact with us (Y/N)." You all eat in silence for a while until she pipes up again trying to make up for lacking conversation. "So, I see you've been hanging out with Genji. Do you like him?"

"Yeah. He's nice."

"Do you love him?" You choke on your food as she asks the question. You cough and take a sip of your drink.

"Excuse me?" She laughs along with Mei at your startled expression.

"I was just joking (Y/N). Just trying to lighten the mood. But like, do you?" You shake your head.

"No. He is just kind to me."

"Oh ok. Anyway, speaking of the devil."

"The devil?"

"It's an expression (Y/N)." A metal hand touches your shoulder and you jump at the familiar male voice behind you. You turn to look up at the tall cyborg ninja. You glare at him for startling you. "I see you have finally decided to speak to others. May I sit?" He questions the others. They nod and he takes a seat next to you and places his breakfast bowl down on the tables.

You all eat together. Slowly you start to warm up to them and join in on the conversations more. They all kept asking you questions about your past to which you answered as obscure as you could. You didn't want to remember the trauma – how you were so broken. Genji began talking about how he saw you training by yourself.

"But we're actually quite similar in that fact that –" You quickly grab a hold of his arm tightly. He stops mid-sentence and trails off.

"They can't know." You whisper to him.

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