CHAPTER 10 - Figured Out

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"Are you ready?" You nod in response to the doctor's words. You had been motionless for the past three days and were dying of boredom with your body being completely numb and useless. But today was the day that she would start up the new cybernetics up and you felt a jump of excitement in your heart. "Okay Genji, I want you to pull her so she is sitting upright while I adjust the bed head. Make sure you do it slowly." She emphasised. Genji leans forwards and reaches under your limp arms, he was very close to you and you could feel his breath up against your face. Yes, you could still feel your face and move it since no work was done on it. You took the opportunity to study his face closely.

To the normal eye his mutilated face would be a horrifying sight but to you it was different. You, a person who is an expert in the field of inhumanly experiences, found it not so terrifying but rather comforting. You would never be able to leave your past completely behind you – there would always be wounds – but his face was the only thing that you felt like you knew in this new strange surrounding. Something that you were used to.

You studied how the metal bonded to what used to be his jaw and his ears. How the synthetic material ran down his neck and to the rest of his metallic features. You saw each individual follicle of his raven hair, its slick but unruly nature intriguing you. How his eyes were dark, placid and stale, as if there were no life in them.

He begins to slowly tug at you and sit you upright. Pain shoots through your spine and hips. Your skin is numbed but you can still feel pain on the inside – rather like pins and needles. Angela adjusts the bed head so you are now at a 60-degree angle. He lowers you slightly letting you rest.

Genji hadn't left your side the whole time – unless it was to go to the bathroom or get something to eat. You had absolutely no idea why he had stayed by your side this whole time. It confused but comforted you. You couldn't eat either so you were being fed through an IV drip. The two of you filled the time with small talk but enjoyed the peaceful silence between you when there was no conversation to be had.

He lingered before letting you out of his grip, he did that quite a lot to – lingered to your touch that was. "Okay, I'm going to do it now." Angela moved your head forward so she had access to your neck. You hadn't yet seen what she had done to it. "This might come as a bit of a shock so be prepared." You felt tingling all over your body as a small whirring noise became notable but soon died down. That's when it hit, your nerves came to life making you wince as your body ached all over. You could feel the sheets pressing into you and how the mattress sagged underneath your weight. "There you go, you should be able to move now. I wouldn't try walking yet though." You craned you neck down to look at your hands which you brought up in front of your face. You opened and closed them several times.

A smile struck your lips as you could move your limps with ease and no pain. "I want to walk."

"(Y/N), I don't think that's a good idea." You ignore Angela's words and carefully shift your weight and slide your legs over the edge of the bed. "(Y/N)." She tries to stop you but it's too late. You push yourself impatiently off and stand shakily on your feet trying to find balance on these new found skeletal limbs. You begin to sway and stumble. You take an unwise step and collapse – well almost. Genji grips an arm around your waist stopping your fall and slowly pulls you up again.

"Are you okay." He looks down at you still supporting your weight. You nod and ignore the disapproving stare formed on Angela's face. She opened her mouth to suggest that you perhaps rest but closed it when she realised that you would not listen to her anyway. You stand up straighter and hold tightly onto Genji this time. Instead of Angela stopping you she comes to your side and takes out the IV drip in your hand. "Try taking a few steps, but not too fast." You listen to his words carefully and begin a small insignificant shuffle. He moves with you in time as you stumble slowly to the window. You push him away weakly so you can stand on your own but an arm still lingers ever so softly around your waist – just in case.

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