CHAPTER 7 - You Are Not Alone

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Thank you so much for all your amazing and precious feedback. I'm so glad that you guys are enjoying this! This story has been something I've been so excited to write for ages.


"If I were you I'd relax, tomorrow is a big day for you and the recovery will take a while." You smile at her before leaving.

Relax? Like hell you would. You hadn't relaxed in years and you weren't prepared to stop anytime soon. Your hands trembled slightly, you had never told anyone that much information about yourself and to be honest, that was just the tip of the iceberg. You squeezed a tight fist as to stop them from shaking. You made your way to the other side of the base to the quiet training room where you had encountered Genji for the first time. He was there before you. You stand in the door way and watch him peacefully meditate in the centre of the room. There was just something about him, something that you couldn't quite pinpoint. That there was more to him than the eye could see...well obviously, but you had so many questions for this man – like how did he end up like that. It made your inner curiosity squirm inside you but you never had the guts to ask. Somehow it just felt wrong, and you didn't know why.

"Hello (Y/N)." He disturbs you from your thoughts as he stands up to face you. "I was waiting for you after breakfast but you took so long that I just decided that I would meditate." His voice is more metallic when he wears his mask.

"Sorry, I had a meeting with Jack and Angela, as well as Winston." You move from your stance in the doorway.

"It must have been important then?" The green light in his visor glows. "Any good news?" You are slightly taken aback at the question, normal conversation you were not used to. But this was nice.

"Well Angela said that she managed to get her hands on new cybernetics for me."

"That was rather quick."

"Yeah, that's what she said, apparently the procedure is tomorrow. She also mentioned something about a simulation she's been working on that takes us into a fighting situation. I don't really know, she didn't go into too much detail but apparently it will be good for the team."

"That is good news. Angela is very smart, she is the one that rebuilt me."

"What happened to y – "You blurt out but then stop yourself quickly before you can finish.


"No." You shake your head. "It's nothing, don't worry about it. Let's just do some training."

The two of the train for what seems and is hours and before you know it the sun is setting. You ran through basic hand to hand combat. You sparred against each other, each time he pinned you to the ground – winning the playful battle. He took his knee off your stomach and his hand from your throat. It was weird being this close to him, it made you get that weird fluttery feeling in your stomach which Angela had described as something to do with emotion – which emotion, well you weren't sure on that just quite yet. He offered to help you up but you declined and pushed yourself up. You were both panting. The last match had been quite intense and now all your joints hurt. As you were both walking back to the main area he piped up.

"Why did you stop me before?" You look up at the man who's face mask had been removed.


"At breakfast. About your cybernetics."

"Oh, that." You look away from him and shove your hands in your pockets. "I just...I don't know. I think I...I just don't want them to know. I feel...ashamed." You say quietly with realisation. "Ashamed of the monster that I am."

"You are not a monster (Y/N)."

"You barely know anything about my past. I have done some pretty bad things in my life okay? I have had things happen to me that should never happen to any human – I'm barely even human at this point. So, trust me Genji that when I say I'm a monster, it's for a reason." You lash out at him still looking away. He falls silent but keeps walking by your side. "I'm sorry." You mutter. "I-I didn't mean to."

"You do not need to apologise (Y/N). There is nothing to apologise for." You sigh heavily at his niceness. Why is he so damn forgiving?! You reach the door to your quarters. "Before you go to sleep I hope you don't mind me asking you one last question?"

"Why, what is it?" He stays silent.

"Tomorrow, the operation. Are you scared?" You gape at Genji stunned. You hadn't thought about that. Were you? Are you scared? You look down eyes darting trying to come up with an answer.

"Yes." Is all you manage to squeak out. "Yes I am. I am absolutely shitting myself. I'm terrified, I'm alone." You blurt out all at once. You look from him back down to your feet with embarrassment. What the hell did I just say. Oh my god. I can't believe this right now...but I am scared. What happens if it goes wrong, if I never wake up. Am I afraid of death? Alone. Will, I die alone? Your eyes glaze over. You were having an emotional overload, you weren't used to this – not one bit.

You feel arms enclose around you as you begin to cry. You burry your face into the somehow comfortable metal of Genji's chest. You heard his heart beat thumping steadily – he still had a heart. He held you there tightly in his arms and spoke quietly into your ear.

"You are not alone (Y/N). Not anymore."

~time skip~

You decided to stay in your room and not eat anything. You couldn't bear to see Genji after that embarrassing emotional break down and you now felt nervous about tomorrow, it's not the worst you have been through – so why were you so scared. But it was nice of him to comfort you. The feeling of his arms still lingers around you – still comforting you. There was a small knock on your door. You open it to see Lena holding two cups of hot chocolate.

"May I come in?" She asks with a smile. You open the door wider for her and sits down at the table. "I didn't see you get any dinner so I thought I should at least make you a hot chocolate." She holds one of the mugs out to you and you take it kindly. You take a sip from the hot soothing liquid with content.

"Thanks Lena."

"It's no problem (Y/N)" She smiles. "So how are you settling in?"

"Well...Okay I guess. It's a lot nicer here than where I was before." You look briefly out the window then back to her.

"That's good to know...You know it was really nice talking with you this morning." You frown in confusion of her words.

"Really, I seriously doubt that." You finish the warm drink and place the empty cup on the desk. She laughs in response at your so-called seriousness. You feel your heart palpitate. The procedure tomorrow was really freaking you out and you could barely contain your nervousness. You twiddle your thumbs and stare aimlessly down at your hands.

"Hey uh, are you okay?"

"Hhmp?" You look up at her. "Yeah, I'm alright."

"You can talk to me (Y/N), I'm here for you." Why is everyone so damn nice.

"It's okay Lean." You decline her offer. "I'm fine." She collects up the mugs and walks to the door smiling.

"Well if you say so. And sorry that we're kind of unorganised right now, we weren't really expecting anyone new but I'm glad you are here with Overwatch now. Maybe we can train together tomorrow?"


"Cool, I'll see you then!" She says excitedly before zipping off down the hallway. The door swings slowly shut leaving you alone...but you weren't alone – not really, not when you could still feel his gentle touch on your skin. The safety, the understanding. Your heart did the flippy over thing that you could not possibly explain.

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