CHAPTER 16 - Taken

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Heyo im back! Finally... Anyways I've been doing nothing but playing Overwatch (Almost level 300 and almost 100 hours of Genji) when I should probably be studying for my exams. Also my birthday is coming up and I'll finally be 16 woo woo. Enjoy this chapter...sorry if I make you cry...mwhaha


The early morning light casts over your face. It's gentle golden colour soft enough not to wake you from your slumber. Last night had been a good night, perhaps the best in your life you considered. His passionate kiss still echoed on your lips and for once your troubled mind was at peace, no nightmares, no disturbances. He was like a shield that cast away the horrors of reality which in itself you could not contain, threating to overtake you at every new challenge that awaited you. But alas, there you lay.

Your head rested upon his chest, your hair tickling at his face. That night you did not stir, no movement what so ever. His arms rested lazily over your waist and yours loosely around his metallic neck. If your past self, had seen this display they would have probably thrown up at such affection or longed for the gentle touch and feeling of love and safety of what absence they had. But you had broken those chains and had found a new place in this changing world. A place where you could do good, be the person you were destined to be, the person that bright eyed nine-year-old wished she could have been.

His slow breaths rustled your hair like the wind as he starred down at your resting features. He dared not to move even though his bladder screamed for the opposite. (Side Note: According to Michael Chu: lead writer of Overwatch, Genji still has his ding-dong if you know what I mean. And for this story he can eat and stuff so I'm assuming the water works are in order). Slowly, he tightened his arms around you and marvelled at the beautiful sight. How could someone like you be like this – so peaceful so...stunning. But either way he was honoured to be the only one to see you like this, to have your trust for such a compromising position.

At this moment, the world seemed to fade away – everything was okay, you were safe...for now. This slumber that you resided in soon left you as you begun to stir. Your eyes shot open as the strange place surrounded you. It took you a moment before tying yourself back down to reality and realising where you truly were. Slowly you shifted your gaze towards the metal figure that held you tightly. A small grin crept its way onto your lips as you thought back to last night and the thrilling event. It was like a weight had been released off your chest. You had changed for the better and you never wanted to go back.

"Good Morning (Y/N)." He sounded perkier than normal, which was proven by the smile formed on his face.

"Good morning." You respond almost identically. Before you could think properly you pressed you lips to his taking him by surprise. His love was your drug. Slowly he began to kiss back, gradually getting more heated but still as gentle as ever. You pressed yourself up closer against him as his hands moved down to your waist. Easily, you could tell that he was experienced in this area. You had a good feeling about today. Maybe you would do some training, maybe you'd spend more time with Genji. Your heart fluttered with delight but your thoughts were disturbed by the sudden wailing of sires. You instantly pull away from him and sit up, straddling his waist. He comes to attention and props himself up. You look towards the door as if expecting it to suddenly be kicked down. "What does that mean?"

"I'm not sure." He slides out from under you and makes quick haste to the door but quickly snatches his visor that rests on the table. "Come, quickly." He beckons you to follow him as he makes his journey down the hallway. You leap out of bed still in your clothes from yesterday and jog to catch up with him. As you run he locks the visor over his face which makes a small clicking sound. It comes to life and flickers until it is a steady lime green. The scars on his face – hidden away. He quickens the pace, you do not know what is going on and neither does he but whatever it is has definitely made him worried. He grabs you by the hand as pulls you along with him. You turn several corners until bursting into the common room. The two of you are met with worried faces that turn towards you at your sudden entrance. You spot Lena's eyes travelling down to your intertwined hands. Right now, you could care less about anyone noticing and would rather focus on the confusing situation at hand.

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