CHAPTER 17 - Interrogation

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Your head buzzed and ached, your eyes blurry and unstable, your cybernetics stinging with their recent start up. Choughs and wheezes left you struggling on the cold tiled floor of this unknown dark room. Slowly, gaining control again, you push yourself up until you stand on two wobbly feet. Your head spins causing you to stumble but your fall is supported by the tile wall that you now rest against. Taking in drawn out calming breaths you finally come to your senses.

The events from earlier that made themselves air, worked their way back into your mind. You perked up instantly, your instincts kicking in. First step: where were you. You run your hands along the walls trying to get a sense of how big the dark room was. Medium of size, floors and walls tiled. Your hand brushed over what seemed to be a door, you felt quickly for the handle but turned it slowly as not to alert whoever held your fate in their hands on the other side of the door. Locked. Letting out a breath of frustration you pace around trying to recollect the previous events, stringing information together. Yours eyes shoot open wider and you freeze where you are.

"Genji!" You cover your mouth muffling your voice as your back slams back against the wall to rest on. Tears were threatening to spill out, nothing could break you, nothing...but this, this was your weakness, he was your weakness. The way he froze and fell helplessly to the beach below scarred you mind. You wondered if anyone had found him, had noticed that you were missing. What happens if he was – "No." You slam your fist into the tiles in denial. You knew him, he was strong, he was okay...right? You close your eyes letting a warm tear trickle its way down your cheek. Suddenly, the room comes to life as lights begin to flicker before settling on a harsh cool light. You squint and look away as it glares at you making your pupils contract at such speed that it hurts. A squeak then a screech. You looked ahead but blinded by the light, not able to see whoever entered what seemed to be your prison.

"Turn around and face the wall, hands on the back of your head." A voice commands. Slowly, you turn and rest your hands behind your head only to feel handcuffs shackled onto them. You are grabbed forcibly and start to be lead away managing to get a quick look at whoever held you at their mercy. A soldier, tall and fully covered in black and red. Their face hid away behind a helmet, a gun held firmly in their other hand. Your steps are slow and unbalanced and are put off even more when the soldier pushes you. "Move." You regain your balance and continue down the white tiled hallway until you turn a corner and are escorted into a room that looked all too much like an interrogation room. A man with dark brown hair that sits on one of the seats turns to reveal himself. His face young and fresh, he couldn't be that much older than you.

"Please, take a seat." You eye him and the Talon crest that we wore on his pristine black suit as you take a seat on the other side of the table. "Dismissed." He waves a hand behind him and with a quick salute the soldier leaves. "Well, well, well...(Y/N) (L/N). I've waited a long time to meet you." You avoid his eye contact and stay silent. "You could say that currently you are the 'hot topic' of Talon right now. It is a true honour to meet you, I've heard much about you." You so desperately wanted to stay quiet but one question buzzed through your mind.

"What did you do to him?!" You seethe with hatred towards the man who was a part of the organisation who took everything from you.

"Oh, the Shimada kid?" He sits back in his seat and crosses his arms and laughs. "Don't worry. He'll be perfectly okay." A twisted smile creeps up onto his lips.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!" You stand up causing the chair to scrap the floor filling your senses with the unpleasant sound.

"Don't worry, it was the same thing we used on you. It will wear off." He says unfazed by your sudden lash out. He looks away for a moment now knowing your one weakness. "Let's cut to the chase. Go past all the formalities." His eyes move towards yours as you take a seat knowing Genji will be okay...hopefully. "I'm here to make you a once in a lifetime offer." You raise an eyebrow at him. "Well, say we could... I don't know... fix you." He gestures his hand out in front of him aimlessly.

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