CHAPTER 13 - Suspicions

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Your footsteps echo behind you as you make your way to see Angela. Stopping at the closed door, which is usually open, you listen in curiously to the loud argumentative voices coming from inside.

"I don't think that's good idea Jack." Ah yes, one of Angela and Jacks secretive meetings that were ever so frequent before your visits, your suspicions grew ever so more. "If you were to do that you might as well tell her the truth."

"I can't do that."

"Why not Jack?! (Y/N) is human too, she deserves to know."

"End of conversation Angela, I don't have time for this."

"No!" She continued. You lean closer to the door hoping not to miss a single word. "So, you are just going to use her? She has been used all her life, you promised that you wouldn't do that to her! You are going to use her just like you used Genji!"

"That's not fair."

"No, you're not fair. I am a doctor and I will not condone putting (Y/N) in anymore danger than she needs to be. What you're'll be sending her to her death. You are sending her to her death."

"Angela, end of discussion. That's an order." All falls quiet – the good doctor is defeated. Your mouth parts with silent shock. Use me... The words don't have time to sink in before the door is slammed open and Jack storms past you. You pull back from the door and flatten your back against the wall trying to hide yourself from his gaze. You let out a quivering breath of relief but he glances back over his shoulder staring you worriedly in the eye. He knew that you knew but turned away and continued to walk. Footsteps approach from behind and a gentle hand touches your shoulder making you jump.

"(Y/N), it's lovely to see you. Come in." She gave you a sweet but saddened smile before you entered into her medical room. You dared not to question her about the heated argument and decided to remain quiet. "Right so..." She clasped her hands as she searched for something in the room. Her eyes red from crying, she lets out a sniff as she wipes her nose on her sleeve. Shaking her head to bring herself back into reality she turns back to you. "Just a routine check-up and some small injections okay?"


"Don't worry about it. It's nothing." She lied through her teeth. She came back over to you holding the usual equipment that she would hook you up to. She ran tests on you before she announced that you were in the all clear however, making small adjustments to your sensory output.

She injected four needles into your arm. You did not question the bright colourful contents inside them but winced at the forth one as the needle was unusually large and went deep into your muscles. She pulled it away and put a small circular Band-Aid over the seeping blood.

"Now that that's done I have something for you." She turned and took a large box from under the bed. She rested it next to you an eager look in her eyes. "Well go on, open it." She shot you smile. Her curling lips sent faint memories of your mother handing you a big box filled with toys for your seventh birthday. You bend over and open the lid of the box. Reaching inside you pull out what seems to be a metal suit. You hold it up to match your body, a perfect fit.

"How soon am I going to need to wear this?" You ask, your tone solemn and quiet knowing of the increasing activities of Talon.

"I'm not sure." Her lasting smile fades. "But Jack tells me to be prepared."

"Right..." The argument before, it was about you. What would be so bad and terrible that Angela rejected his words so strongly. To use you like they used Genji, what'd she meant by that? You loosely stitched the information together in your mind but you couldn't put it all together. Genji had mentioned something about Overwatch and his past but nothing about what he did during that time, more to the point of them using him. You had to find out, and fast by the sounds of it, before something bad happened to you. You trusted Jack – Overwatch, but you weren't entirely sure any more about being able to trust anyone?"

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