CHAPTER 9 - Never Play With Knives

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~Third Person~

Doctor Ziegler worked away with her full attention at the troubled young woman on the table. She seemed much more peaceful when she was at rest rather unlike before. When (Y/N) lashed out at her actions she could easily piece the information together. (Y/N)'s past had much more to it than she let on and not even Angela or Genji could imagine what monster she had been made into or let alone the tasks she was forced to do. The pain, the trauma, unimaginable.

As Doctor Ziegler replaced (Y/N)'s cybernetics, outside waited an anxious Genji. Despite the little time that they had interacted, he cared for her – more than he should do. He felt drawn to her, like he wanted to protect her but of course he knew that she was fully capable of protecting herself, he had seen her train after all. He wanted to help her like Zenyatta did for him. His mind wonders back to the night before where he held her tightly in his arms. He had never expected someone so tempered and brave to be able to possibly collapse under mere emotions. Honestly, it shocked him but that made him even more curious about her mysterious past. Why was she like that, he wanted to know. The two disastrous enhanced humans begged to know of each other's past. They both wanted to know why that when they were around each other their hearts fluttered in unison. He wanted answers while he still could get them, before the next war that they knew would be the last. And from there on, who knows who would be the soul survivors.

Footsteps echoed down the hallway and a worried Lena appeared before Genji. "Hey Genji, have you seen (Y/N) around. We were going to train together but I can't find her anywhere."

"She's uh...(Y/N) is out on a mission." He covered for (Y/N) knowing that she'd rather him lie than tell the truth to others about her not so human parts.

"Already? That was quick. Do you know where?"

"Top secret."

"Hmm...well your lucky you can even get a word out of her. It's practically impossible trying to get a response, I practically know nothing about her. The only time I've seen her smile is around you. She's a strange one she is."

"Aren't we all?" Genji and Lena were not too close. He had assisted in her training when she was a sprightly new recruit. Other than that, their interactions had been somewhat minimal – mainly to that fact that they had been in different divisions of Overwatch.

"Anyways, why are you here outside the surgery room? You look worried." Genji's helmet sat on the seat next to him. He had become at peace with himself so he was not so self-consciousness when it came to showing his mutilated face.

"No reason." She folds her arms in front of her.

"Jesus, you two are made for each other. You're both so strange and I don't understand either of you."

"Maybe that is for the best at the moment, Lena." She shrugs in confusion before shooting him a wave and leaving him be. Genji leant back and rested his head against the back of the wall as Lena's words echoed in his head until he begins to doze off into a short-lived slumber.


He approached the window looking out onto the ongoing surgery, it was not a sight for the faint hearted. He watched on as Angela removed the metal from inside (Y/N)'s right leg and placed it on a tray full of bloodied parts and electronics that look like they had been engineered by an eight-year-old. No wonder (Y/N) was in pain, the technology was practically ancient and outdated. Wires and tubes protrude from (Y/N), it was an all too familiar sight for Genji but it was a lot different from being the person in that position. Angela turned briefly to spot the cyborg man looking at her work – she was very talented. They exchanged a nod of recognition as she returned to the task at hand.


Later Jack and Winston came and checked up on Angela, bringing her glasses of water and food to keep her going through the 72-hour surgery. They came and went but Genji remained. He slept restless outside the room waiting for it to be over – for (Y/N) to be wake up, and he would not leave her until she did.

~Second Person~

Bright white light shrouds your vision. You squint through it until everything comes into focus. You feel drowsy and light headed. You let out a groan as your senses start to return to you and pain cascades throughout your body. You stare up at a panelled ceiling and blink a few times before glancing downwards to see a figure siting down in a chair looking out of the window. You couldn't crane your neck to see who the mysterious figure was – actually you couldn't move at all, you couldn't feel anything. The steady beeping sound in the background becomes faster as you start to freak out slightly about the fact that you couldn't even move a muscle. Confusion fills you as give quick glances around the room not sure of where you were or what was happening – disorientated. The beeping noises become louder as you hear a shuffling noise.

"(Y/N). It is okay, calm down." The figure from before leans over you. You recognise that voice, that badly scarred face. Genji. You let out a small sigh of relief as you remember where you were. The beeping from the heart monitor starts to slow down and steadies itself out. Your chest rises and falls with each breath you take. You start to speak but the words don't make it out – you try again.

"Genji." Is all you manage to squeak out. Your throat hurt as you spoke, it itched and burned.

"Don't try to speak. Just rest, I will go get Angela." He rushes off and quickly returns with Doctor Ziegler.

"(Y/N)! It is lovely to see you awake. Tell me, how are you feeling at the moment?" She beams at you too cheerily for your personal liking.

"It's painful and I can't move or feel anything." Your dry and scratchy voice expels its words.

"That is perfectly normal for your procedure (Y/N). There is no need to worry, it is just the side effects of the operation. Speaking of that you probably want to know how that went?" You grunt in response signalling yes. Genji has already turned back to the window giving you and Angela some room to talk – rather room for Angela to talk and you to listen. "It went exceptionally well, I was able to replace everything so you should be feeling better than you ever have, but there were some small alterations that I had to make on your spinal cord." She lowers her voice so the conversation is strictly between the two of you, just like sharing a secret. "Where your spine was I've had to cover it with a metal plate that means is visible on your back as well as some wires that I could not fit in. I've tried to make it as neat as possible because I know that you are self-conscious about your cybernetics – frankly I think it's rather intriguing." Genji must have told her your woes. You were slightly annoyed at that fact – you not being an open person – but at the same time you were thankful for his actions.

As long as nobody saw your bare back your secret should be safe. A normal person would use it to gain status, to use it as a godsend but you – no, you could never do that. Angela spoke up again, this time louder.

"While you were asleep we took the liberty to measure you so we can make some armour for you in battle – I hope you don't mind."

"It's okay." You whisper closing your wiry eyes. You felt tired and although you could not feel, it felt like there was a new heavier weight on your body. It would take some time to get used to this, but what could you say, you were a quick learner.

~Third Person~

Somewhere is a deserted area stirred a single building. It's occupants scheming away with lies and untold horrors that they were planning to induce on society. It's not that they enjoyed inflicting pain so much more than rather inflicting pain on Overwatch. Ever since their attack on Watchpoint Gibraltar they knew that Overwatch was banding back together, but so had they. They too had been gathering up their resources, getting knowledge, planning for the perfect time to strike. The world would be in strife and they knew this.

Talon knew this.

But one thing that they did not know is that many years ago they let a little girl live. And now she wanted her revenge for what they took from her.

Never play with knives.

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