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϶ Epsilon ϵ

It's been years since I had a nightmare, but that night I felt like I had one and yet I couldn't remember. Though, when I walked through the doors, I didn't know what was about to happen but I could feel the dread. If I could go back, I might have changed it, but we'll have to see how this turns out first, right?

When I walked through those doors, Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma and Zeta were all waiting for me there. They were people from my life five hundred years ago. People who had died. Alpha was Luke, Beta was Bianca, Gamma was Charles, Delta was Silena, and Zeta was Zoe.

Chaos was standing in front of his window. If you were to look outside through the glass, you could see out into the Universe. If you were powerful enough, you could see one planet in particular, the only person to look at a specific person, was Chaos. For a strange and weird being, he was very powerful.

"Chaos?" I asked, titling my head slightly. "Why did you call us for?" He gave me a sad smile in response.

"I have a new mission for the E-team," he said and I cocked my head. If it was a mission, why was he so mellow looking. Looking around the room, I could see that the others were also confused.

Chaos sighed, "I am afraid that this new mission is one you are not going to like," he admitted. "An old enemy of yours is rising." The E-team shared a look, they eyes filled with confusion, horror and anxiousness.

"You can't possibly mean..." Bianca trailed off and her eyes slid towards me.

Alpha narrowed his eyes and took a small step forward. "It's on Earth, isn't it?" Chaos nodded solemnly.

"What about our identities? Wouldn't it seem suspicious that when Kronos is rising, we show up?" Gamma asked.

"I thought about that, Gamma," Chaos admitted. "And I've created cloaks that will conceal your identities. All you have to do is not take down your hood. It's enchanted so that no one else but you can take it off. You have to find the right moment to take them off though, or they will become suspicious."

"What about our defenses?" Zoe asked, leaning against the large, heavy table.

"Your armor? It's been upgraded," Chaos told us.

I let out a small breath and asked the dreaded question. "When do we leave?"

"We are first going to Olympus, some of the demigods will be there. I must warn you first though, if you recognize any of them it is because some of them have been given immortality," we nodded and he snapped his fingers. In seconds we were standing in front of Hestia's hearth and the talking ceased. We were now clad in our cloaks and armor. The bulky, yet agile armor, made us look tougher and more muscular than we really were. It gave the illusion of power and strength, the cloaks gave us a look of mysteriousness.

Zeus stared at us for a second, "Who are you?" He said at the same time Hera said, "Chaos, what are you doing here?" They looked at each other and then back at the creator.

"Chaos?" Athena questioned in a flat tone. I heard multiple people as they walked towards us, then they stopped.

Her voice, I didn't think I would hear it again when I was banished from Earth. I didn't think that this would happen, that I would return after five hundred years.

"Mother?" It was her voice. Of course it was her voice.

"Who are these people and what are the doing here?" He asked, a threat obvious in his voice. I heard Shawn walk up behind me, "Who are you?"

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