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϶ Annabeth ϵ

The conch sounded in the distance, the game was over, and we lost. I ran towards where the flag was originally and found Shawn and Epsilon battling it out. My eyes widened, my mouth agape. That damned fool, what was Shawn doing? Was he trying to destroy the whole planet! Cheers and money went around the crowd while trying to see the action. Who wouldn't want to see this, it was one of our greatest fighters against the leader of the E-team. Though everyone was waiting to see who won, it was obvious that Epsilon wasn't even trying yet still had the upper hand.

"Stop," Chiron yelled as he galloped to the front of the demigods, but they didn't listen. Shawn and Epsilon's swords clashed. Sparks flew. It looked like Shawn was giving it all he's got, but Epsilon wasn't even affected. Epsilon took a step back and I thought that maybe he was giving up to make peace with Shawn, but he did the total opposite. He side stepped as Shawn went in for a strike and kicked Shawn in the shin, hard. Shawn's legs crumpled underneath him. Epsilon twirled his sword and pushed it against the demigod's neck, obviously causing discomfort.

"I win," Epsilon announced and everyone looked stunned. The fight didn't even seem to last one minute. Epsilon sheathed his sword, turned and started to walk away. Shawn got up.

"I want a rematch, tomorrow after lunch, on the beach," Shawn proposed and Epsilon looked amused. But not a funny amused, more like a dark, mysterious and mischievous amusement. He even chuckled darkly. His lips turned up into a cruel smile. It sent shivers up my back as I took a step away.

"Your on," he chuckled again and and then went towards the Big House. His team following him.

People started to disperse and I headed to my cabin. Throughout the night, I thought about what happened. Epsilon was a mystery for sure. The way he fought, walked and talked, there was a lingering hurt, sorrow, depression even, but with it, there was bitterness, malice and anger. It scared me since I wasn't one for emotions.

What puzzled me the most was that Epsilon reminded me of Percy, but a darker one. He sounded so much like him and he said that he had met Percy. Maybe some of Percy had rubbed off onto him. He did say after all that they were good friends. I wondered if Percy was here if he would forgive me. When I was with Shawn, I didn't feel like myself, but maybe it was just the loss of Percy that is distorting the memory.

I looked at my bedside table and saw the familiar little blue box. The one that Percy had the wedding ring in. I picked it up and looked in it. There it was. It was silver band with a trident in the center and two owls beside it. The gems were blue and red. They were really pretty. Fit for an Athena child.

Every since he left I had had this gaping hole in my heart just wanting to be filled. I sighed and put the box and ring down. I didn't know what else to do when he left. It's been five hundred years and his trail just...disappeared. When Epsilon said that he had met Percy, my hopes went up for finding him, but when he said that it was four hundred years ago, my hopes were once again crushed.

Five hundred years since I messed up. Five hundred years that his friends turned on him. Five hundred years since he left. Five hundred years since the gods gave us immortality to find him. Five hundred years since Poseidon was never the same. Four hundred years ago since Percy was seen last. Wait, four hundred?

My eyes widened. How could I be so stupid. I first thought he had died from old age, but he someone must have gotten immortality so he may still be out there. Alive! My hopes rose with my findings. Though, as my excitement wore off, I could feel my eyelids slowly slid shut.

I fell into the lake, but for some reason I couldn't swim. I tried to and tried to, but my legs and arms were locked. I started to drown before someone pulled me up.

"Not very wise for a Wise girl," a familiar voice said from above me. I looked up to be met with sea green eyes. Seaweed Brain. He helped me up into the boat he sat in and then he dove into the water behind him. What? I looked around and noticed that we were in the middle of water. And not like a lake, there was not land, nothing, zip, nada. The only thing that was in the water was the boat that I currently was in.

Percy popped back up and tipped the boat. "Percy!" I shrieked and fell into the water. He laughed.

"Come on, let's see who can go further," he said and then dove down. I laughed and followed him. He took my hand and made an air bubble for me as we descended into the depth of the water. Naiads were swimming around us and fish came over and nuzzled us.

"I'll be right back," Percy said in my mind and I nodded. He turned and went into the dark waters. I waited and waited, but he didn't come back.

"Percy?" I asked in my head, but there was no answer, "Percy?" I called again. Still nothing. I looked around and then started to swim the way he swam. When it got darker I stood up. Stood. What? Flames started to flicker to life and I found myself in a cavern. The clash of metal echoed around me and I followed to where it originated.

"How could you?" his voice yelled and I gasped. I turned the corner and saw Percy fighting someone. There was a girl on the ground. Dead? My eyes widened. Percy looked furious, "How could you do this to me? How could you do this to your friend, you family? Was it all fake?" he asked the other teenage boy.

He laughed evilly and smirked, "Are you really that stupid. Of course it was. I never really liked my dear old deceased cousin anyway," he laughed and Percy's jaw tightened.

"Then you leave me no choice," he said in a normal voice. He jumped backwards, making the other person become unbalanced since their swords were crossed. He readied his sword. Paying no mind to the weapon, I watched as he narrowed his eyes. His opponent growled and charged.

Their swords clashed at an incredible rate. It was hard for me to keep up. He has improved, I thought to myself. Percy feigned to the right and the teen followed. Percy then went to the left suddenly and stabbed the guy in the chest. The guy drop his sword and put his hand to his chest. He brought the bloodied hand up to look at him and reached out to Percy with it.

"Disloyalty, distrust and betrayal. I never thought I'd see the day that Percy Jackson killed his own friend," the guy giggled uncontrollably and then fell over dead. Percy clenched his teeth and then rushed over to the girl, rolling her over onto her back.

My eyes widened when I realized she was still alive. She smiled sadly and took Percy's hand, kissing the back of it. "My warrior," she murmured. "Take the vase, go, for me? Please." Her eyes slowly faded into a blank slate, a single tear running down her face and onto the ground. Percy picked up her body, cradling her to his chest and rocking back and forth.

"Gods, no. No. Wake up," he cried, tears running freely down his cheeks. He buried his face into her hair. "Please wake up." And my heart...slowly...broke.

Until Next Time

Epsilon (A Percy Jackson/Chaos fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now