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϶ Annabeth ϵ

The ocean. That's what I heard. The calming sound of the waves as they advanced and retreated. A steady pace, like a strong heartbeat. Opening my eyes, I saw a figure standing by the water. I pushed my body into a sitting position and looked around. I-we were on an island. There was a couple of palm trees and the sun was going down. I got off the ground and patted off all of the sand. The person looked back at me and my gasp got caught in my throat. Percy.

The wind messed up his already messy black hair more, there was a slight smile on his face, his eyes were filled with happiness, love and...nervousness? I didn't know, but I wanted to run over and hug him, though instead I just walked over and stood beside him.

"Hey Wise Girl," he said and I sighed. He looked at the ocean and tilted his head, "It's beautiful...isn't it?" He turned his head to look at me once more.

I nodded. "Yeah," I answered quietly. He smiled and I smiled back, but it slowly faded as he disappeared with the scenery. "Wait!" I yelled. "Stop!" Raising my hand to touch his face, but then it was white.

"Wise Girl? Whatcha' doing?" Percy said and I turned to see Percy standing at the doorway of a cabin. Looking around, I saw that it was my cabin. I looked down at my hand and saw that I was holding the little blue box. Wait, that didn't make any sense. Percy was gone when I picked it up.

"Percy," I said and he laughed.

"Did you find that in my cabin?" He asked. I gulped, hid it behind my back and chuckled nervously.

"No," I replied and he smiled.

"Come on," he said and I walked over to him. He grabbed the box from behind my back and held it up. "This is for later." I cocked my head and he grabbed my hand. "Come on, it's almost dinner and then you will see what this is." He turned and headed towards the beach. I stood there stunned. What was this? The scene slowly disappeared like the last one. I blinked only to see flowers, people, cake and a beautiful veranda. There was the sound of music and I was holding a bouquet, Percy was standing about twenty feet away from me. I gasped and I felt someone put my arm around theirs.

"Calm down," I looked to see my father and realized...I was getting married! "You'll do fine." I nodded and we continued to down the isle. Piper was smiling and giving me a discreet thumbs up and Hazel's face looked like it was about to tear in half from all the smiling. Frank looked a little uncomfortable in the suit, but then again, so did the groom and the other groom's men. I stepped up and Hera started to talk about the weddings and stuff.

I took that opportunity to looked around. Nico, Will and Leo sat in the front of the whole crowd of people. Leo was waving to Jason, who rolled his eyes. Nico looked like he wanted the seat to eat him so that he wouldn't have to be here. Good thing he was in the light, or he would've shadow-traveled away already. Will on the other hand was just sitting there pleasantly, a wide smile on his face.

The groom's men were Jason, Frank, Grover and Shawn—which surprised me greatly—my bride's maids were Piper, Hazel, Juniper and Reyna—which also surprised me.

Me and Percy said our vows and he slowly started to disappear again with the scenery. I blinked again and I was standing at a grave. My throat constricted as I read the headstone.

Perseus Jackson

Wonderful Son, Husband and Friend

May he rest in peace

Lived to be 378

I felt a tear go down my cheek. He died? He really died. "What is this?" I asked quietly. "Why are you showing me this?"

"This is what would've happened if he hadn't left, if what had happened, hadn't happened," A girl's voice said. I turned and stared at a girl with black hair and gray eyes.

"What happened? Why did he die?" I asked the girl around the age of ten.

"That is not important, I am here though to tell you something," she came and stood beside me. "My name isn't important. Who I am isn't important. There is something that is brewing though, that is what is important.

"Annabeth Chase, you have been on some of the most dangerous quests of your time and there will be more in the future. The future holds many things you don't know about and might never understand. Sometimes, simple things may have complicated consequences. Beware, your fate is complicated.

"I am here to warn you. Some of the things you hold dear are gone. Some of things you thought you understood will be nothing but a web of lies. Things you thought would never happened, have already happened. An endless loop of failure and success, surrendering and conquest, death and rebirth. Beware, for the paths ahead of you are forked and all end in death."

I blinked and she was suddenly around my age. She held out her hand and with hesitance, I took it. The world around us disappeared and she pointed into the mist as a scene of the night sky started to come into focus. "Look. Even if the stars in the sky twinkle, doesn't mean that they're there. Hold onto this knowledge for it might be the only thing that will make sense. Beware of the evil that comes with its bane for it is stronger than you will ever imagine."

Her voice faded out and echoed around me as my vision turned black. Then there was a set of eyes, beautiful yet deadly. Sea green with gold and red flakes. My head seemed to pulse as a headache started to form. Then a cloak started to appear and around him there was darkness, only his right arm, eyes and sword handle could be seen. His arm was made of iron. Epsilon.

Then he flickered, for a moment his eyes were red then gold and finally a solid sea green color. His arm went from iron to human flesh and his sword handle changed to Riptide's. He flickered again, like a program that was malfunctioning. Epsilon, Percy, Epsilon, Percy...Percy....

Until Next Time

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