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϶ Beta ϵ

I turned and readied my sword, only to stop when I saw a small little fluffy thing. Its skin then went translucent and the skeleton of it was visible. I stepped back and watched as it came up to me, now the same furry little thing from before, and sniffed. Its tail flipped back and forth as it let out a little meow.

"There might be a small little kitten there. Its name is Small Bob. If you find him, he might lead you to the others," Nico had told me before I left.

I sighed and reached down the pet him. "Hello Small Bob. Can you lead me Bob, I need his help." The cat meowed, turned and then started to romp away. I quickly checked to see if I had left anything and followed the little being.

He stopped at a bunch of rubble. The blocks of cement seemed to age more as I looked at them and gaped. What was this? I looked down at the kitten and he meowed. Small Bob jumped up a couple of bricks and started to scratch at a certain one.

I looked around and deemed it safe before sheathing my sword. I took in a deep breath and concentrated on the rubble around where Small Bob was, he let out a little yelp and he jumped down with a small thud. My eyebrows furrowed together and I raised my hands, lifting the pieces off of the being that I could now detect. I then swiped to the left and opened my eyes to see someone getting up.

The figure teetered back and forth before righting himself and lifted a massive push broom. I let out a little gasp when his head snapped towards me and he charged, broom coming down for a strike.

I jumped and rolled away when he smacked the ground again. Scrambling, I got into a standing position and started to run across the field of debris. Small Bob meowed and ran with me as we tried to lose what seemed to be a crazy Bob.

"Our only hope is Damasen!" I told the cat. "It would be nice if you could start tracking him." Small Bob seemed to nod and he then transformed into a big cat. With his longer and stronger limbs, he took on a head, making sure that I was still behind him and not hurt. I was glad that the cat realized that something was wrong with Bob and hadn't attacked me.

I didn't know how long I was running for when something grabbed me and pulled me to the side. I went to swing, but something stopped me. My head tilted up and I found myself looking at a tall male.

"Small Bob has told me that you have been looking for me," the male said and I looked to the right to see said cat standing there. "I am Damasen, I am here to help." He then charged out from behind the building and Bob stopped when he saw the bigger being.

"Listen to me, my friend," Damasen started and slowly crept towards Bob. "This girl means no harm, she wants to help us. Nico sent her down here so that we can assist her with closing the doors of death." Bob narrowed his eyes and let out a huff before swinging at Damasen.

The latter stepped backwards and started to dodge all of the attacks while blocking some that almost hit him. "There is no time for this, the more we fight the more attention we get. The monsters will not be so kind to us this time." That made Bob pause. "We must hurry before it is too late, the people above are needing us to do this, Nico is needing for us to do this!" That made the titan stop and slowly his eyes changed colors.

He shook his head and looked towards me, beckoning for Small Bob to him. The cat meowed and shifted, running to its master and jumped up on his shoulder. I took that as a sign that it was okay and went towards them, looking around. Bob bowed his head. "Forgive me, I do not know what came over me."

"It's okay, this place as a knack of doing that. It's what it is best known for. We must hurry now, I don't want the war to get any more gory than before." They nodded and Bob started to lead us towards the doors.

When we got there, the doors had just opened again. We all looked at one another and watched as another batch of monsters got ready to get onto the elevator. I count down and then they charge, dispersing and confusing the monsters. Some of the monsters hissed and others screeched. I let out a small breath and let the shadows conceal me alone with a small gift that Chaos had given me.

When I got to the elevator, I quickly disposed of all the monsters and got into the machine. Bob raced for the button and as the gift wore off, I watched as Bob waved to me and then the door closed. I sighed and did what Bob told me to do when I got on, hold the door together. I panted as the air seemed to grow hotter and the fact that the doors were trying to force themselves open wasn't helping.

I prayed to Chaos for strength and took a deep breath, dispelling all of my negative thoughts. "Don't doubt yourself," Nico had told me. "If you doubt yourself, then there will be nothing left to doubt." I pursed my lips and nodded my head. I would do this, not just to live, but to be able to arrive back at camp and help end this war, once and for all.

Until Next Time

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