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϶ Annabeth ϵ

My eyes popped open and my hand automatically went to my mouth, muffling my scream of terror. My gazed snapped from one side of the cabin to the other. I knew I probably looked like a mad man, but I couldn't help it. I could still feel the pain coming off of Percy in waves.

Slowly, I eased myself out of my bunk and dressed before leaving the cabin. The signs of day streaked across the sky in beautiful colors. I pulled my zip up closer to be and stumbled aimlessly. About half an hour later, I walked to the sea like I did every once and a while. I didn't know if it was because it's where Percy used to go or because I expected him to just wash up onto shore. When I got there, a figure stood there looking over the sea. He wore a black molted coat, but without his armor, showing off his real shoulders. Epsilon.

"I didn't really see you as a water person," I managed, gulping as he stiffened. When he realized he was in no danger, he realized. A bit. From steel to stone.

"Well, I didn't expect you to be up so early," he replied. I walked up and stood beside him and saw him turn his head slightly to look at me. How much I wanted to take off his hood and see who he was. His lips curled up into a small smirk.

"It's pretty, isn't it?" I asked, snapping my head towards the horizon as the sun rose higher.

"I wouldn't call the sun pretty. Apollo's ego might become bigger," Epsilon said and I blinked. Did he just make a joke? The stone cold, serious, sometimes angry, commander and champion of Chaos, made a joke? I blinked and shook my head slightly. Frowning, I turned to Epsilon.

"What planet was Percy last on?" I asked, thinking about the dream I had last night. Epsilon sighed and muttered something like 'bond to happen'.

"G3P8," he said and I cocked my head, confused. Then I started to worry. I was never confused!

He chuckled when he realized I didn't know what he was talking about, "The G stands for Galaxy, the P stands for Planet. So the last time I saw him was in Galaxy 3, Planet 8 of that galaxy. There are hundreds of billions of galaxies as you know as well as the fact that each one has different amounts of planet. We don't know which galaxy has the most planets since there's so many of them," he explained and I nodded.

"So, where did you live before you became a Chaos warrior?" I asked and he thought for a moment.

"Well, when Percy disappeared, I traveled all over the place. The place I lived the longest would have to be G9P987, but that was only for twenty years," he said and I nodded. This guy traveled a lot if the longest he had settled down was for twenty years. I opened my mouth to say something, but someone interrupted me.

"Annabeth," Malcolm called from behind me, "It's breakfast," he said. I looked back and nodded my head to tell him I heard him. I started to walk to him, but turned a little bit to ask Epsilon something. He wasn't there anymore, instead he was about twenty feet down the beach. I shrugged and followed Malcolm to the pavilion. When we arrived there, all of the warriors were at their table while Epsilon just came in as Chiron stood for announcements.

"We will do our normal morning routines, but after lunch we will have a little...spar," he said and the pavilion cheered. I glanced at the Chaos table. The warriors looked excited. Epsilon just sat there, and though he was turned away from me, I could just see him smirking. Epsilon raised his hand. The pavilion fell silent.

"Two of my warriors would like to reveal themselves. Understand that we are not trying to trick you, this is purely for you to know something about us," he said and everyone watched as two people walked up to the front. They both glanced at Epsilon and he nodded once.

Epsilon (A Percy Jackson/Chaos fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now