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϶ Annabeth ϵ

I slashed at another monster and looked around the sea of friends and foes. In the distance, I could see some of the E-team fighting together in perfect harmony, while the campers were going in waves and were making a dent, but there was still more coming.

I swung and turned a monster into dust before I made my way through the hordes and towards the other campers. However, I could see something and was drawn towards it. Unconsciously, I walked towards where I felt the pull and found that I was heading in the direction of Zeus's fist, only noticing that the monsters weren't attacking me. Odd.

When I got there, there was a woman sitting on the lowest part of the formation, filing her nails. She wore a red cocktail dress and had white feathers in her elegant hairdo that stuck up like Aboriginal headbands. On her feet were glittering red shoes and beside her was a white purse.

Confused, I walked closer, now noticing that there was no battle around me. "Who are you?" I asked and she let out a little chuckle.

"My dear, it's been a long time since I last saw you," her gaze snapped towards me and I gasped at her purple gray eyes. "It's strange seeing you from the outside, your inside was so...intricate. Like a code that was hard to hack." She opened up her purse and dropped her file into it before taking out a pair of white gloves and put them on.

"Who are you?" I repeated, stepping forward.

"You don't like beating around the bush, now do you?" She asked and sighed, looking up at the sky and leaned back. She then looked at me once more and tilted her head. "Who I am is what your asking though, well, I'm an...acquaintance, you could say. I've known you for a long time. I have to thank you for your power, it was very yummy."

I scrunched up my nose. "What are you?"

She let out a bark of laughter. "I'm a Liptis of course, you silly goose. For a child of Athena, your not very smart."

"How did you live in me, I thought that Liptis couldn't limit how much they take."

"Well, firstly, a Liptis can limit how much it takes, but it all depends on how strong it is, secondly, I'm special. See it like this, what I am to Omega is what you and Percy used to be."

"Your his girlfriend?" I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I would say girlfriend is a weak word, I'm talking soul mates, Darling. Omega is my other half and it's quite fun having such a destructive and chaos creating mate. I am only a little bit less powerful than him but much more powerful than his Liptis that he creates. You could say that we are like vampires in the fact that we have created them, though those creatures are incredibly stupid."

She jumped down and then walked towards me, grabbing my chin and tilting my head upwards so that we were looking in each others eyes. "I'll tell you something fascinating though, all of the Liptis, Omega and I are all genderless."

"What?" I narrowed her eyes.

"You see, we are technically nothing but little spirit things that suck up souls. Most of the Liptis have no gender still and we usually go by the first person we take over to identity ourselves. I personally used to identity as a male until I took over you. It's so fun being a girl, I get to walk around and be swooned over, well, as long as the vessel is cute enough.

"Since you influenced my gender, you also changed my eye color slightly. I just loved to look in the mirror and see those beautiful gray eyes!" She let go of my chin and twirled around. "After a little talk with Omega, I decided to change my natural purple eyes to a gray purple, best choice I have ever made!"

"This still doesn't tell me why you are here," I stated, crossing my arms though still prepared to defend myself in case she attacked.

She stopped and looked at me before raising her hand. Her purse flashed into her hands and she smiled at me. "I am here to send a message." She opened her purse and took out a folded piece of paper before giving it to me. "Adios!"

Quickly, I opened the paper and read the message. Gasping, I dropped it and raced back into the fighting, leaving behind the note that said, All Life Perishes without Hindrance, Annie.

Until Next Time

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