3 - Arrith is very kind

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"Esmèe!" Lindsey was inpatient. It was the beginning of a Wednesday, the day of the week nobody enjoyed. It was still early, 8:25 am, so there wasn't too many people around.

"ESMÈE FOR GOODNESS SAKE WHERE ARE YOU!?" Lindsey was with her friend, Emily. Emily had a habit of wearing dark clothes that matched her black, curly hair (she was wearing a black dress with lace on the collar, sleeves and on the bottom). Emily's fashion choice sometimes aggravated Lindsey but Lindsey got used to it.

"Perhaps, she might be on the second floor?" Muttered Emily, just loudly enough for Lindsey to hear.

Lindsey found Esmèe by her locker on the second floor.

"Why da hell were ya not 'anging out with me!?" screeched Lindsey.

"I'm sorry, Lindsey... I guess I didn't feel like hanging out..." She murmured. Esmèe was French, but despite this she didn't have a French accent and she spoke English surprisingly well for someone who has only been learning English for ten months. She joined the school about four months ago, and this made her English even better.

Esmèe was wearing a yellow dress, black shoes and also yellow hair bobbles. Her hair was black and her eyes were a shade of light blue.

"THAT'S YA' EXCUSE!?" Lindsey felt her whole body burning up with a loathe for Esmèe.

As the two of them argued, Lexa and Azura walked into school. Lexa noticed them yelling and turned to Azura. "Is she normally this salty, because on Monday I got badly ignored by her."

"Right now she's shouting at her 'friend' and her 'friend' is on the verge of tears. What do you think, Lexa?" replied Azura with a harsh tone.

Arrith was in the school now. She had made herself invisible and couldn't wait to use her power of speaking to humans. Her red eyes looked for someone. Someone to go for. Then she saw Lindsey and Esmèe, arguing. This was perfect.

She prowled slowly up to Lindsey.

"You know, you could easily beat her up. Show her who's boss, after all it's not like anyone would care if something bad happened to her, the only reason she's popular is because of you. She's using you, she doesn't want to be friends, all that stupid girl wants is popularity. It's about time you show her that she needs to respect you much, much better."

The thoughts went deep into Lindsey's mind, telling her that it was all the truth, that Esmèe needed to pay.

Lindsey grabbed Esmèe by her skirt's collar and dragged her into the toilet with Esmèe stumbling rather than actually walking.

"Ruby, what is that girl doing to the other girl?"

"For starters, my name is Azura," protested Rub- I mean Azura, "and second of all, that girl is Lindsey, if we get anywhere near her we're most likely going to die."

"Lindsey, huh... She can't be that strong. Because I, Lexa koulourakia Ripley, can proudly say that I can lift up a whole 70kg weight with one hand," Lexa boasted.

"I have so many questions right now. Why is your middle name a food and how are you so strong?" Asked Azura, but Lexa wasn't listening. Lexa was looking in the direction of the restroom. Curiosity had gotten the best of her and now she needed to see what was going on. Lexa barged into the toilet with Azura watching her and facepalming herself. "Lindsey's going to beat her up now, great."

When Lexa got to the toilet, Esmèe was lying on the ground next to one of the stalls. She had blood around her limbs and her left eye was black. Lindsey didn't look any bit hurt (unlike Esmèe who definitely was) but she had blood on her shoes; she was most likely kicking Esmèe.

In the corner of the toilet, Arrith was pleasantly watching her little show. She was invisible to humans so no one could see her. "So much for 'love thy neighbour' am I right," she thought to herself. Power surged into her, she was becoming stronger by the second. Arrith expected that it would be harder to get a human to commit a sin but apparently, this one could be easily manipulated.

Lindsey gave Esmèe a hard kick in her left arm, not noticing that Lexa was right there. "What are you doing!?" Screamed Lexa.

"What me doing is non' ya' business so git out," Lindsey said through gritted teeth.

"I think it is!" Argued Lexa.

"Fight me then ya' li'el dwarf!!"

"LET'S GO!!' screeched Lexa at the top of her lungs.

Lindsey had made a mistake, because about a minute later she was on the cold floor and she had a couple of bruises too. Lindsey had underestimated Lexa's strength.

Now that there was no longer any sins being committed, Arrith left.

Azura came into the toilet. "What happened here...?"

"Umm... I don't know...?" Lexa giggled nervously.

Azura sighed, "I'm going to get the school nurse and after that I'm going to get Camila; we need someone who's actually mature to hang out with us..."

The rest of the school day ran pretty smoothly for Lexa. The lessons weren't too hard or too complicated. Then soon enough, it was the last period, English. Lexa dreaded this lesson because of her dyslexia.

The English teacher had made everyone read a book that had a very small font. Lexa couldn't read it. when it was Lexa's turn, she tried her best but with no success. " I... I really can't read it sir!" A couple of people were laughing and giggling, including Lindsey.

Everyone left the classroom after the bell rang. Lexa was going in the direction of her locker but she was stopped by Lindsey.

"Hi Lexa!" Said Lindsey in a sarcastic voice.

"Hi?" Replied Lexa, rather confused.

"I bet you're very smart, Lexa," said Lindsey loudly enough for the whole corridor to hear, "you read suuuu well, ya know?" Loads of people were now looking in the direction of Lindsey and Lexa.

"Crap," thought Lexa.

"I bet ya can't even read lidl', tiny baby books! You're stuped!"

Lexa felt like Crying. She didn't even wait for Azura or Camila. Lexa just went to her locker and went straight home. Besides, Azura and Lexa had exchanged numbers so she could always call to explain why she didn't walk home with her.

She walked home with so many thoughts in her head.

Lexa opened the door to her house and gingerly stepped in. Leon was there on the couch.

Leon looked at her and tried to hold in a laugh, "you know, mom got a call today, apparently you got in a fight with some other girl. IT HASN'T EVEN BEEN A FULL WEEK YET!" Leon laughed again, tears in his eyes.

"Ok, whatever," she replied.

"Oh and also, you've got detention for that tommorow after school," said Leon.

"ok," said Lexa, not exactly being bothered by that, she was already too upset for that to piss her off.

Lexa lay on her bed thinking about what Lindsey had said.

Was she... stupid?

Meanwhile, Arrith was thinking too. All that she had to do was whisper a few thoughts into Lindsey's mind and it had not only affected Lindsey herself, but Esmèe and Lexa too. Lindsey and Esmèe were beaten up; Lexa was questioning how smart she even was.

Now Arrith was planning who to go for next.

She knew who.

Lila and Camila.

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