25 - L E X A

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Lexa ran. It was the only thing that she could do to get away from Arrith. She had the power to fly, or float, but she didn't have the time to try her new powers out. Even if she did she wouldn't be able to use it properly. No way she would just be able to learn to fly that quickly and easily, impossible.

Now that Lexa was a demon, Arrith could easily kill her. Angels were immortal, but that wasn't the case with demons.

A powerful demon filled with greed like Arrith would not hesitate even a tiny bit with killing Lexa. Lexa ran faster.

Lexa hid behind a rock like she did before. Blood, sweat and tears covered her face. All she could was pray that Arrith wouldn't find her. But she doubted that God would listen to her prayers as of now. She doubted that he even cared for her anymore at all.

Arrith came to a rock. Something drew her towards it. She didn't know what. She was like a moth being directed to a flame. The moon to the stars. The day to the night. She stepped towards it.

She knew what was behind it very well. Very, very well.

Lexa heard the sound of footsteps, she held her breath in pure horror. Although, it didn't matter if she held her breath or not. Either way, Lexa surely as Hell couldn't even flipping breath. Her lungs burned.

Don't find me. Don't. Don't.

"Leeexa. How are you?" sang Arrith.

Lexa's heart danced. It danced fast, as if the world was about to end. Then again, it, in a way, would end. At least for Lexa it surely would end soon.

"Leeeexa, come downstairs! Dinner's ready!" Arrith sang.

Arrith didn't mind wasting her own time. She had an eternity. Arrith enjoyed playing with her prey. Like a cat does with it's food. Chasing the poor little mouse around until finally. It eats it.

Lexa looked around desperately in search of an exit. Literal or metaphorical. She wanted to get away so damn much. So much.

Lexa found nothing.

"It's over. It's over. It's over. It's over. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm gone. I'll disappear."

Lexa muttered all sorts of thoughts under her breath. It was... Over.

Lexa never expected to die this way at all. Who would expect to die this way!? In Hell, as a demon. No one.

Arrith with a single hand, picked up the rock. She threw it far, far away, as if it was nothing but a tennis ball. Lexa didn't watch, but she heard it. She heard the rock being picked up from the ground and chucked away as if it was nothing at all.

Lexa knew that she had been found by Arrith and she knew all too well that nothing in the entire universe could stop her.

"Why hello there, Lexa. So you know what I said about you becoming a demon?"

Lexa said nothing. She was going to die anyway. What was the point of trying?

"Yeah, well..." Arrith lifted a hand in front of herself. Red and orange fire came burning out of her palm.

Lexa, like everyone, had a fight or flight reaction. The flight took over her, she got up and began to ran. She just wanted to flee. Get away.

Arrith easily caught her. She grabbed Lexa by the back of her dress. She hauled her down to the ground aggressively.

Lexa bit her lip to hold back tears, she didn't want to cry anymore. Especially not in front of Arrith.

Lexa stopped biting her lip. She let herself cry. "Who cares what she thinks of me, I don't care if she thinks I'm a crybaby. She's going to kill me anyway," Lexa thought to herself. "Who cares...?"

Lexa: Pèñtâgráms Øf HystèrîáWhere stories live. Discover now