9 - NoT AGaiN LexA

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"Now way!"

"Oh well, didn't expect you to believe me."

"How can I even come close to believing that!?"

"Okay, okay, forget I said anything, bye."


Lexa hung up the phone. She didn't expect Azura to believe that she was in Hell, but it was worth a try.

It was still morning so Lexa still wasn't fully awake. She put her phone down and got dressed.

When she got to school, Azura laughed at her. Lexa kicked a locker that was next to her, "stop laughing! I mean it! I really did go to Hell!"

"Yes, yes, of course. I believe you."

"You mean it?"

"Yes!" The only reason that Aura stopped was because Lexa was on the verge of tears. Of course she didn't believe it.

"Okay then.."

After school, Lexa was all alone at home. She was home alone since her mom was working late and Leon was at a friends house.

The house felt really empty and dark to Lexa. Well, that's because it was. Lexa wasn't used to being alone and felt incredibly isolated. She hated the silence of her room.

Lexa turned on the TV on in the living room to make the house seem more lively and she turned on a lot of lights so it wouldn't be dark. 

There were no humans in the house to speak to, so Lexa ended up trying to speak to her dog Mango, "how's it going? Do you like being a dog?  Is it fun?" Mango obviously couldn't reply. He wagged his tail slightly and barked, "I wish you could speak English..."

After the 'conversation' with her dog, Lexa watched anime in her room. She couldn't wait for when Leon and her mom would come home.


There was a loud noise coming from somewhere downstairs. All the lights went out and there was no sound coming from the TV so Lexa assumed that it was turned off too.

Lexa wasn't exactly planning on getting herself killed so she didn't go downstairs to investigate. Instead, she got out her switchblade and hid under her bed. Lexa didn't have the intelligence to think up of a decent hiding spot. She clutched the swithblade tight.

Now that Lexa was thinking of it, maybe it was Leon. She assumed that Leon had come home early and decided to play a prank on her. But Lexa wasn't taking any chances, she stayed underneath the bed.

One minute passed, two minutes passed. Three, four, five and six. She had enough. Lexa came out from underneath her bed and silently walked downstairs, the switchblade still in her hand. She checked the living room first since that was where the TV had been turned off. 

Lexa walked into the living room. To her surprise, she saw the one and only, deceiving, cunning, crafty, evil and very manipulative, Arrith. The light in the living room switched on.

Lexa pointed the switchblade towards her, "what do you want this time, Arrith?"

"You know very well what I want."

"If you think I'm giving you my soul then you are very, very wrong, Arrith."

"Are you sure?" Arrith tilted her head slightly, "if you don't give me your soul then I can always just... Take Azura's soul instead, right?" Arrith slightly smiled.

"I like Azura but not that much. You can go ahead and take her soul." Lexa lowered her switchblade and turned to leave the living room. 

"Okay, nice talking to you Lexa."

Lexa stopped and quickly looked at Arrith, "you're not actually going to take her soul, are you..?"

"I am."

"You wouldn't..."

"Watch me."

Arrith was about to leave but Lexa grabbed her arm and pulled her back, "fine... you can ta..." Lexa mumbled the words so Arrith couldn't hear them properly.

"What was that?"

"I said, you can t..."

"IIIIII caaaaaan't heeeeeaaar yooooouuu," mocked Arrrith.


Arrith held out her hand.

Lexa shook Arrith's hand, "this is the third time now... great... Why are you even taking my soul anyway!?"

Arrith lifted up her arm right in front of Lexa's face. All around Arrith's wrist was a single, red scar. That was where Lexa had cut off Arrith's hand. Demons could easily heal their body parts, but they sometimes ended up having scars afterwards.

"Who cares about a little scar!? You have your hand back!" Argued Lexa.

"That's not the only reason, Lexa." The smile that had once been on Arrith's face had completely disappeared now.

"What could I have even done to you?"

"You tried to kill me by using squirt guns filled with holy water, you threw a switchblade at my chest, you summoned an angel to try to kill me and like I have just said," Arrith showed Lexa her wrist again, "you cut off my hand."

"So why won't you just kill me then if you hate me so much?" Asked Lexa.

Arrith paused, "how long ago was it that you summoned me?"

"I don't know, about a week or so? Why are you asking?"

"Well, in the week that I have been here on Earth, I have tried my best to learn about you humans and your strange ideas."

"So then? Will you answer my question? Why won't you just kill me?" Asked Lexa.

"I have recently learned about jails, prisons and death sentences."

"Will you just answer my question?"

"When someone is given a prison sentence for a long time, let's say fifty years for example, they begin to feel worthless. They'll Either want to escape or want to die. Many people with long prison sentences want to be put on death sentence."


"So, long story short, why kill someone when you can just make their whole existence pain?"

Lexa understood everything now and she didn't like it at all.

"And now that I have your soul, I can make your life hell," Arrith left Lexa's house.

Lexa had no soul. Yet again.

The front door opened, her mom and Leon came in.

"Is everything alright Lexa? You look a bit pale to me," said her mom sweetly.

"Yeah, I'm fine mom," replied Lexa.

She was definitely not.

Lexa: Pèñtâgráms Øf HystèrîáWhere stories live. Discover now