8 - Fire alarms won't save you from the fires of hell

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Lexa slept calmly that night knowing she had gotten her soul back finally. She was filled with satisfaction. Lexa knew that nobody would believe her when she told them that she had been to... Hell... But she was going to tell them anyway. Because no way was Lexa going to keep this story for herself.

Lexa was dreaming, dreaming of happiness and everything joyful. This


Lexa slowly opened her eyes. She was now slightly angry at everything since she had been woken up in the middle of the night.

Lexa sat up and looked around. Everything looked normal to her.


"Okay, what the hell is going on!?"

There was a pattering of feet, Lexa got dressed as quickly as possible and grabbed her phone from the bedside table. She tapped on the torch app and then looked around her room. She checked every corner and every space in her room, making sure she didn't miss any spots. Lexa couldn't find anything so she chucked her phone on the ground and flopped onto her bed, still fully dressed since she was way too tired to get her pajamas on. 

The room was silent and she was just about to fall asleep, but then she heard it again.


Lexa got up and looked in front of her bed, "For goodness sake! What is goi-"

She looked down, and in front of her bed was a very small demon. The stereotypical kind, horns, a tail and a pair of wings. He was red-colored and was chewing on what appeared to be a small, circle-shaped device. On the ground next to him were two batteries. 

"Give me that!" Lexa snatched the device from the demons hand and bashed him on the head with it. The demon squealed. 

She couldn't figure it out at first but then she knew what it was. A fire alarm. The wires were all chewed up so there was no way it could work. She threw it into the bin in the corner of her room.

"Now my mom's gonna have to buy a new fire alarm. I bet she's gonna blame it on me too."

The demon ran out the room, its tiny feet pattering against the floorboards. Lexa tip-toed out of the room following the demon. She tried her best to be quiet since it was the middle of the night and she didn't want to wake up Leon or her mom. 

As Lexa walked quietly down the corridor, she caught a whiff of a strange smell. Burning. 

Lexa ran down the stairs, not caring if she was being quiet or not anymore. The smell was coming from the kitchen so she went there. Lexa stopped at the kitchen door, not actually walking in. The kitchen table was on fire. Lexa screamed. She grabbed the kettle that was still filled with water and poured it all over the table. 


Lexa smiled. She wasn't sure whether she was sweating from the heat of the fire or from stress.

She turned to the demons. There were five of them altogether. Lexa picked up all of them by the tail in one hand. She stormed out of the kitchen and opened the front door. The threw the five tiny demons out of the house.

She went back to the kitchen and looked at the ashes on the table, "crap..."

Lexa's mom barged in, "what on Earth is happening Lexa!?"

"I was making food, had a bit of an accident..."

"Why are you making food in the middle of the night!?" Asked Lexa's mom as she stared at the burnt table covered in ashes.

"I felt hungry..."

Lexa's mom sighed, "get back to bed..."

Lexa was in bed yet again. She couldn't sleep. How did the demons get into her house? Then Lexa remembered it, the portal.

She jumped off the bed and looked underneath it. There it was, the red and black portal.

"No, I'm not going in there."

But she had to. Because soon enough more demons were going to come, and they weren't going to be as harmless as those that set the kitchen table on fire. Lexa had to go to Hell. She went through the portal.

Just like last time, Lexa crash landed onto the red cliff.

The place wasn't as calm as when she had visited before. In fact, the moment that Lexa stood up a fireball was hurled in her direction by a demon.

Lexa didn't stick around for long as you can imagine. She ran to a rock and hid behind it. After a moment or two, Lexa came out. It was Arrith who had attacked her.

"Hey," said Lexa in a weak voice.

Arrith rolled her eyes, "what do you want?"

"Can you, um, close the portal?"

Arrith's eyes lit up, "yes I can."

There was a long pause.

"So are you going to close it, or?"

"I said that I can close the portal, I never said that I will."

"Why...?" Asked Lexa.

"You know when you got your soul back the other day?"

Lexa knew where this was going, "yes?"

The demon smiled ear to ear, "I'm going to need it back."

"Can't you just, you know, close the portal without taking my soul?"

"Of course I could, but it's not very fair if I do something for you without me getting any gain from it, is it Lexa?"

"Yes, but..."

"I'm pretty sure that a lot of powerful demons can't wait to go to Earth and cause havoc. Those tiny demons? They're nothing compared to some other demons in Hell."

Lexa glanced down only for a second at her shoe. The switchblade that Leon had given to her was there.


Arrith grinned in delight, "great! Now, shake my hand!" Arrith held her palm in front of Lexa. Lexa shook Arrith's hand.

"Thank you for the soul..." Arrith said to Lexa.

"And you have to close the portal."

"Alright, it'll close after you've gone through it."

Lexa gazed into the portal. Then, she turned to see Arrith, who  appeared to be ever so happy. She was looking over the cliff at the ground below. Now was Lexa's chance.

Lexa quickly reached into her shoe, got out the switchblade and then hid it behind her back. She walked up to Arrith and tapped her on the back. Arrith turned around.

Lexa, in a split second, took out the switchblade that she was hiding behind her back and slashed Arrith's hand; the same hand that she shook.

Lexa had her soul back.

As soon as she did this, Lexa bolted for the portal. She had never ran this fast in her entire life. Lexa could hear Arrith catching up to her which made her run even faster.

Right before Arrith caught up to her, Lexa jumped into the portal, "SIKE!"

Lexa arrived underneath her bed, where the portal was supposed to be.

Lexa smiled.

The portal was gone.

Lexa: Pèñtâgráms Øf HystèrîáWhere stories live. Discover now