24 - Summoning a weeb

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Azura gazed upon Lexa's corpse. She had put her body in the bed and put the covers on her so it looked as if Lexa was sleeping. She decided to stay and see if Lexa would be okay.

According to what Lexa told her, apparently Lexa had escaped death multiple times and had also stolen her soul back many times times too. Azura didn't know if it was true, but at this moment, she really hoped that it was.

Azura heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Her mind quickly raced through hiding places to go to, but none of them would work.
Very conveniently, she turned into a bluebird just before the person came in. She quickly hid underneath the bed.

Lexa's mom came in. She had one, disappointed look on her face as she looked at Lexa.
"I guess Lexa is being a lazy piece of crap as always..." complained Lexa's mom before walking. She sharply closed the door behind her.

Azura came out from under the bed. "I'm a crapping bluebird. An actual flipping bluebird. My reincarnation was screwed up... SO BADLY!" Azura kicked the floor with her tiny bird feet. Oh well, at least it had helped her hide.

She heard a scraping sound coming from behind the door. There was a bark. Mango was trying to get in.

Azura flew, very clumsily, to the door. Lexa had told her to speak to Mango. She had no idea why, but she thought that she might as well do it. 

Azura couldn't exactly open the door with her hands since... She didn't have any, she was currently a bird. She flew awkwardly to the door knob, she turned it clockwise with her bird claws until the door swung open. 

Mango raced into the room as soon as the door opened. If Mango was a normal dog, he would've jumped onto the bed and checked if Lexa was okay, dogs do care about their owners after all. But Mango clearly wasn't a normal dog. He sat down on the floor. He already knew that Lexa definitely not okay. 

Azura flew over and landed on the ground next to Mango. "So, can you help Lexa? She's, you know, kind of dead?"

Mango nodded his head. "Yes, I believe that I can help her come back to life, although I do not think that she would be a human anymore. She would become something far worse if she came to Earth  and returned to her corporeal body. It is dangerous."

Azura blinked. "Okay, I guess you can't help me then..."

Azura flew out of the window and then turned back into a human. She walked down the pavement. 

Why would she expect a dog to help her? It was all irrational. Azura kept walking, a strong feeling of hatred in her mind. She couldn't comprehend why she was angry about Lexa. She hated Lexa! Who cares if she was gone.  

Azura stopped walking. She heard a pattering of tiny feet. Mango was running behind her. 

Mango stopped running and sat down on the pavement next to Azura's feet. 

Azura laughed. "You really like running away, don't you?" Azura noticed that Mango had a book and a pack of noodles in his mouth. The dog dropped the two items on the ground.

"Why are you giving me this?" asked Azura. She picked up the pack of ramen noodles and the book, the book was a manga. "I don't understand, Mango!"

Azura was holding the noodles in her left hand and the manga in the right one.

Mango looked directly at Azura's right hand and barked loudly. 

Azura looked at the book. "This?"

Mango barked.

"For all I know, that bark could've meant a 'no', but I'm going to take it as a yes."

Azura looked through a couple of the pages but she saw nothing of use to her. She turned the book upside down and shook it, a folded sheet of paper fell out.

Mango looked at the paper and happily wagged his tail. 

Azura picked up the folded sheet of paper. "How is this going to even help m-"

Mango growled.

"Fine! I'll open it."

When Azura finished unfolding the paper, she looked at it in surprise. The sheet of paper was A3 sized. On it, drawn with a red sharpie, was a badly drawn pentagram. 

"This is the pentagram that was used to summon Arrith. What am I meant to do with this!?"

Mango looked at the pentagram and then at the noodles and manga.

"I'm meant to summon an anime girl?"

Mango shook his head.

"I'm meant to summon a weeaboo?"

Mango nodded his head and wagged his tail.

"Why would I want to summon a weeabo-wait... Lexa is a weeaboo."

Mango's tail wagged even faster. He barked.


Mango nodded.

Azura sighed. "Okay, lets go to my house and summon Lexa. Crazy dog..."

Azura and Mango were in Azura's room. Somehow, Azura had managed to sneak a dog past her parents, it was incredible.

"No barking, got it? I don't want my parents to find out I have a damn dog in the house."

Mango nodded.

Azura took out the piece of paper with the pentagram on it. She put down five candles on each of the corners of the pentagram and lighted them on fire. 

Mango picked up the book and the noodles with his mouth. He put them in the middle of the pentagram.

"I can't believe that I'm summoning Lexa, it's probably not even going to work!"

Mango growled.

"Okay! It will work." She looked at the pentagram. "Don't we need a spell?"

Mango nodded.

"How will I know what the spell is?" 

Mango hit his tail against the floor.


Mango looked at his tail and then hit it against the floor again. He looked at Azura.

"Your tail?"

Mango nodded. He hit his tail against the floor a couple of times.

"Oh! Are you doing Morse code?"

Mango nodded.

Azura got a piece of paper and a pen. "Tell me the spell then."

Azura wrote down what Mango was saying in Morse code.

Lexa est optimus. Redi. Lexa autem vivit.

Azura had no idea what the words said but she read them out anyway. Nothing happened.

She glared at Mango. "Thanks for nothing."

She blew the candles out and then picked up Mango. She went downstairs and snuck him out of the house.  

Azura went back upstairs. She kicked the pentagram, noodles and the manga underneath her bed. 

Azura looked out of her window, it was already very dark outside. Azura got changed and went to bed.

"I knew this wasn't going to work. Why... Why the hell would I listen to a dog!? I know that Mango is smart, but still! It's a dog!"

Azura stopped complaining and eventually went to sleep. She drifted away thinking that the spell hadn't worked and that Lexa would remain dead forever.

But Mango was not a stupid dog.

The spell had indeed worked. It just needed a bit of time.

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