Nineteen: The Wedding

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It was a windy yet sunny afternoon at the beach. White flowers, streamers, chairs, and a podium were set up in a decorative organized manor. The brides maids on one side of the alter and the groomsmen on the other. Jennifer, in her white gown, stood in front of Jon looking more beautiful than she ever had before. She looked into his eyes and grinned. This was the day that they were finally getting married.

They dated so many years ago when they were in high school but that was more like a summer fling. She never stopped loving him even after he moved on from her and stole her best friend right out of her grasp. Not even when she married her ex husband and had her two daughters. She always loved him and always will, he's the one. The wedding officiant began the wedding ceremony. Everybody shushed their neighbors and sat down.

The officiant spoke soft and boringly. Kaylee yawned and looked over a Tom who was sitting in the third row next to Penny and Macie. She made a face at him to express her boredom. He made a silly face back at her. She punched her hand into her other hand, signaling to play rock paper scissors. He understood right away and punched his hand signaling that the game was starting. Tom won the game and laughed out loud.

Everyone's attention turned to Tom so his cheeks got red from embarrassment.  Kaylee quietly chuckled into her shoulder and made an 'L' with her fingers, signaling that he was a loser. He rolled his eyes and went back to watching the wedding ceremony.

"Do you, Jon Robinson, take Jennifer Cathridge as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Jon confidently spoke with no hesitation. 

"Do you, Jennifer Cathridge, take Jon Robinson as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"Uh.. I.. do." Jennifer stuttered. 

"Then with the power invested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride now, Mr. Robinson."

At that very moment Kaylee realized that whatever her dad was actually planning to do was already in gear. She watched as her newly wed parents shared a short but sweet kiss. They were married now, there's no going back. She really wished that Jasmine was here.

"Well that took long enough. I thought i was going to grow old in there." Tom yawned. "Is it time to par-tay?"

"Its always time to party." Kaylee pulled him by his arm and zoomed over to the reception room.

"Now this is what I call a wedding reception!" He sat his butt in an expensive elegant chair. "How the hell did you guys afford this? Its like a party made specifically for Kim Kardashian."

"More like the queen of England." Elena barged into the conversation.

"It's rude to butt into other peoples business you know." Kaylee joked.

"I know." Elena batted her eyelashes.

"Anyways.. So like apparently, Jennifer has really rich parents who are paying for this entire event." 

"Yeah, I'm surprised that they're being so chill about her remarrying and stuff. They're really up tight and what you'd call 'sophisticated.' They own 10 mansions all around the world and two hotels in Las Vegas." Elena didn't mean to brag.

"So how come your mom doesn't get her share of the money?" Tom rudely asked. Kaylee lightly smacked him on the shoulder.

"Uh, because my mother isn't greedy and wants to build her own life." Elena was a little offended. Her grandparents were snobby know it alls with money but that didn't mean her mom had to be like that too. "But they paid for the wedding anyways. You should have seen the look on my moms face when she saw all the new stuff she didn't buy. It was priceless." 

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