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Arrogant Smirk


After I had barely turned nineteen, my band was discovered in my friend's garage. A producer had been picking up his dog's shit when he heard us rehearse. He had asked my friend's mom if he could watch us and that he was a music producer. She let him in to the garage. Once we had finished one of our songs, which later turned out to be our hit single "Take Me", he started clapping loudly. Our drummer, Max, nearly passed out when he realized who the mysterious man was. Logan, Harrison, and I just stared at him in confusion.

"Who're you?" Logan, our bassist, had said in his normally rude tone.

This didn't faze the stranger at all. "I'm a music producer. I heard you guys playing, and I was amazed. I want to make a demo with you, maybe even release an EP."

Harrison gasped and slammed his hand on his keyboard. "Are you...are you serious?!"

The music producer, whom we later found out was named Matt Davidson, assured us he was completely serious.

Harrison grabbed my bicep. "Margot, he-he's serious!" He laughed with joy and crushed me and my electric guitar in a tight embrace.

Logan grinned and joined our hug. "Dude! This is big! We could go big!"

Max, still in a daze, approached us and completed our group hug. "Guys...Arrogant Smirk's gonna be signed!"

"Might." The music producer added, but we were too enveloped in our daydreams to care.


Before we got famous because of our music career, we had a pretty big photoshoot. I guess Matt thought we were attractive teenagers that could use the publicity.

And we were. I don't say that out of arrogance, I only say it because thousands and thousands of screaming fans and begrudging non-fans said it multiple times. I mean, we weren't ugly. So they were probably right.

Max was short, but the contrast between his moon-white skin and midnight hair was too alluring to miss. He also had this look in his eyes that made girls look twice. And, to boot, he also wore these tight pants and a loose button up shirt that expose the top of his toned chest.

Logan was the "bad boy" of the band. He always wore small diamond studs and kept his dark hair in a borderline "emo" cut. His outfits consisted of ripped jeans,black baggy tank tops, and expensive shoes. He was tall and mysterious, and he was probably the most obsessed-over band member.

Harrison was a bit different from the rest of us. His dirty blonde hair was always tied up in a tight ponytail, save for a few strands in front of his face. He wore black ties with basic-colored shirts and multi-colored pants. Harry usually shied away, with those light brown eyes of his.

And me? Well, I was okay-looking for the only girl in the band. My raven hair was cut in a bob, but I was definitely recognized as a girl because of my feminine facial features. I usually wore beanies, and that became my trademark. As well as combat boots, comical tank tops that exposed my sides, and no makeup at all.

The photoshoot went well. We did some solo shots, and then one as a band. We all made our best "arrogant smirks" to the camera, which later became our trademark, especially mine. I guess the people had liked my dimples. I was the only one that had them.

The magazine we were in was something big, about the attractiveness of young people. There was a tiny mentioning of our band and our upcoming EP. I was absolutely thrilled.

Little did I know whose attention I was really attracting into my life.

Hello! This fanfic will involve the celebrity this story revolves around, just be patient. My idea arose from the lack of quality Rihanna fanfiction stories, and so I decided to see if I could write one. We'll see, I guess. Have a great day/night!


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